联系人:温老师 张老师
电 话:0086-20-87205925;87205101
传 真:0086-20-87206598
邮 箱:zsb@hwy.***.cn
附表: 侨务事务局华文教育专业全日制本科奖学金学生毕业回国服务协议书(Commitment)
姓名 Name | 中文 In Chinese ( 以下称甲方 ) | 英文 In English |
出生日期 Date of Birth | 性别 男 □ 女 □ Sex Male Female | |
国籍 /地区 Nationality/Area | 护照号码 Passport Number | |
电话号码 /手机号码: Telephone Number/Mobile Number | ||
推荐机构: Recommendation Institution(以下称乙方) | ||
侨务事务局华文教育专业全日制本科奖学金学生毕业回国服务协议书 (Commitment to Teaching Service after Graduation ) 1. 甲方 4 年在读期间,按相关奖学金管理办法享受侨务事务局全额奖学金资助,含学费、住宿费及生活 补贴。 2. 甲方在中国必须遵守中国法律和学校规章制度,珍惜本次学习机会,努力学习,注意交通安全和身体 健康。如有违法、违规等个人原因引起的中途退学,后果由甲方自负。 3. 甲方同意并接受乙方推荐到中国暨南大学(或华侨大学)攻读四年华文教育专业本科,修满学分毕业 后即返回乙方华校服务至少五年。若甲方不按约定履行,须赔偿侨务事务局其留学期间所有费用。 4. 本协议自签字之日起生效。 1. During the four-year study, the student will be granted a full scholarship administered by State Bureau of OverseasChinese Affairs. The scholarship covers the tuition fee, accommodation and living allowance. 2. In China, the student is disciplined by the Chinese law and the school regulations. He or she is supposed to value the opportunity, study hard, be wary of the traffic, take care of his/her health. The student would be held responsibleif he/or she were subject to expulsion from school for any illegal action or violation. 3. The student is agreed to pursue a four-year study in Jinan University or HuaqiaoUniversity as recommended, majoring in Overseas Chinese Education, and promises to return after completion of all required courses and serve at least five years for the recommendation institution. The student who fails to fulfill the commitment would be liable for the repayments to State Bureau of OverseasChinese Affairs. 4. This statement takes effect upon signature. | ||
推荐机构意见: (signature by the recommendation institution) 签字时间 (date) : 学生(签字): 监护家长(签字): (signature by the student) (signature by the guardian) 签字时间 (date) : 签字时间 (date) : | ||
驻外使领馆意见: 侨务事务局意见: (signature by the embassy) (signature by State Bureau of OverseasChinese Affairs) 签字时间 (date) : 签字时间 (date) : |