东莞职业技术学院国际学生来华学习申请表XXFormforForeignChineseLanguage student
姓名 Name
姓 Family name |
照片 Photo |
名 Given Name |
中文 In Chinese |
国籍 Nationality |
男/Male □ 女/Female□ |
已婚Married□ 末婚Single□ |
宗教信仰 Religion |
出生日期 Date of Birth |
年/Year 月/Mon 日/Day |
出生地点 Place of Birth |
国家/Country 城市/City |
永久通讯地址及电话号码 Permanent Address and Tel.No. |
邮政编码/Postal Code电话/ Tel.No. |
目前通讯地址及电话号码 Current Address and Tel.No |
邮政编码/Postal Code电话/ Tel.No. |
您希望我们将邮件寄到:□永久地址□目前联系地址 Please send mails to:□Permanent Address□Current Address |
手机号码 Cell phone Number |
电子邮件 |
后学历 Highest Education |
护照号码 Passport No. |
护照有效期 Valid until |
年/Year 月/Mon 日/Date |
教育经历: Educational Experience:
紧急联系人(可以是父母或亲戚朋友,国籍不限)Emergency contact during your stay at SJTU(contact person can be a parent or relative of applicants) |
姓名Name:与申请人关系/Relationship to the applicant: 电话/ Tel:手机/Cell: |
在华事务联系人/Contact Parson in China 姓名Name:与申请人关系/Relationship to the applicant: 电话/ Tel:手机/Cell: |
推荐单位(人) Recommended by |
电话/手机Tel./Cell No. |
会何种其他语言 Proficiency in Other Foreign Languages |
申请人保证: 上述各项中所提供的情况是真实无误的 在中国学习期间遵守中国的法律和学院的规意制度,不从事任何危害中国社会秩序的,与本人来华学习身份不相符合的活动。
I hereby affirm that: 1.All the information in this form is true and correct; 2.I shall abide by the laws of China and the regulations of the School, and will not participate in any activities, which are deemed to be adverse to the social order in China and are inappropriate to the capacity as a student.
日期: 年月日申请人签名: Date: Y M D Applicant' s Signature |
注:申请人在递送本申请表的同时,请提交 Remarks: The applicant is required to Submit: 护照复印件 1 photocopy of passport 后学历证明复印件 2.photocopy of highest education certificate |
学校外事部门意见 The Foreign Affairdepartment of the college |
月/Mon日/Day |
校长审批意见 Views of the principal of the college
月/Mon日/Day |