PleasechoosethestudyplaninChinaaccordingtotheoptionsgiveninthissection. School/institution isentitledto makea y ece ary adjustment.
a. 请选择你申请来华学习的类别。
Please choose whatlevel of study youwant to be enrolled in China.
b. 请详细写出你申请来华学习的专业或从事研究的专题。
Please specify your subject or field of study in China.
c.. 请标明你所申请的来华学习时间。
PleaseindicateyourintendedDuration of themajor study appliedin Chi a.
d. 由于就读学校的主要授课语言为汉语,所以来华后的汉语补习非常重要。请在该项标明你是否需要汉语补习及所希望的汉语补习时间。
Since the teaching language of school/institution is mainly Chinese, it’ very important toindicateinthissection whether youneed elementary Chinese study prior to your major study or not. If “Ye ”, please indicate yourintended duration of needed Chinese study(not i cludedin thelengthof major study).