序号 No. |
提交材料目录 Submission Materials Catalogue |
份数 No. of copies |
原件 Original |
复印件 Copy |
公证件 Notarized |
备注 Remarks |
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《黑龙江工程学院外国留学生入学申请表》 Application Form for Foreign Students Admission to Heilongjiang Institute of Technology |
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在线申请并打印。 网址:http://www.***.cn/Htmlfiles/gjhzjyzx/lxsw/2018/10/11/76012.html Apply online and print. Website: http://www.***.cn/Htmlfiles/gjhzjyzx/lxsw/ 2018/10/11 /76012.html |
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应届高中毕业生由本人所在学校出具预期毕业证明英文版 The current high school graduates should submit an English version of the expected graduation certificate from their school. |
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入学时需携带毕业证书原件 The original diploma must be shown at the time of enrollment |
高中毕业证书 High school diploma |
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毕业证书信息如无英文内容须公证(公证内容须有英文);入学时需携带高中毕业证书原件 The certificate information must be notarized if there is no English content (the notarized content must be in English); the original high school diploma must be carried at the time of enrollment. |
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高中毕业证明英文版 High school graduation certificate in English |
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毕业学校开具 Issued by graduation school |
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高中成绩证明英文版 High school scores in English |
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毕业学校开具 Issued by graduation school |
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新版HSK四级证书和成绩单复印件 A copy of the new HSK Level 4 certificate and a copy of transcript |
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申请普通本科专业者提供; 若无证书,申请我校入普通本科专业的汉语测试; Applicants for general undergraduate majors need to provide ; If there is no certificate, y ou need to apply for Chinese language test for ordinary undergraduate majors; |
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近期2寸白底免冠照片 Recent 2 inch white background barehead photo |
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护照(照片页、签证页) Passport (photo page, visa page) |
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在读大学生除提供上述材料外,还需提供英文版所在大学的成绩单、在学证明 In addition to providing the above materials, students transferring from other universities are required to provide their transcripts and proof of attendance of the university in English |
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限于大学在读生 Limited to university students |
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中国国内大学就读的学生转来我校时需提供转学同意书 Students transferring from other Chinese universities need to provide Transfer Consent Notification issued by the university when they transfer to our university |
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限于在中国大学在读学生 Limited to students studying at Chinese universities |
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对符合教育部教外来〔2009〕83号文规定,原为中国公民后加入外国国籍者还需提供以下材料 In accordance with the provisions of the Ministry of Education’s document [2009] No. 83, the following materials are required to be added to foreign applicants who used to be Chinese citizens |
限于原中国户籍学生 Limited to foreign applicants who used to be Chinese citizens |
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入籍证明 Naturalization certificate |
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注销原中国户籍证明 Cancellation of the original Chinese household registration certificate |
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近4年护照出入境签章页复印件(原件备) A copy of the passport’s entry and exit signature page of the last 4 years (original for reference) |
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近2年的国外学习证明 Proof of foreign study experience in the past 2 years |
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