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  2019年01月11日14:15  山东理工职业学院 内容被挡住,点击这里看完整内容


Guide to Shandong Polytechnic College

一、入学报到须知For Registration of Admission


X1Visa Application: Applicants should apply “X1” visa from local Chinese Embassywith the necessary documents after receiving JW202 form and admission notice. “L”visa for visit or “X2” visa for short term study is not acceptable.


Entry:International students should register at Shandong Polytechnic College within 24hours after arrival in China. The international students are forbidden to stayin other city, before they arrive at Shandong Polytechnic College. For privatereason, the international students need take responsibility for their delay ofregistration and resident permit.


Time forRegistration: The freshmen should registerduring 11stDecember and 15thDecember, 2017,and inform the university his arriving time after hefinishes the visa application. The freshmen need arrive beyond the vacation,winter vacation is during January 15 to February 25, and summer vacation isduring July 15 to August 25.



Picking-up for freshmen: The University can arrangethe picking-up at Jining Qufu Airport or Qufu East Railway station. If anyfreshmen need picking-up, they should inform the university necessaryinformation of flight number or the train number, arriving time 3 days beforearrival.

Note: The University can only arrange the pick-up from8 am. to 5 pm. in the working day. Any other time, the freshmen can come bythemselves.

5、报到程序:Procedure of registration


After arrival, the freshmen should firstly come withpassport, admission notice, JW202, certificate 5 photos to InternationalEducation School to deal with registration, including checking certificates,paying fees and getting admission materials. (Address:Room2017, No.2 teaching building) The freshmen should then hand in tuition receipt, passport,Jw202, admission Notice, and give contact number to the teacher and get readyfor the information of physical examination, registration in local policestation and resident permit, during this period (one month after arrival), keepmobile phone available.


The freshmen can come to the international apartmentto check in and get the room key with deposit receipt.

二、缴费须知:Fee structure:

留学生入学后需要缴纳的费用为:The international students should payas follow:



Tuition: 8000RMB/year for Language student ;

The tuition can only bepaid yearly. The international students should claim the receipt after paying,without receipt, can only be regarded as no payment. In payment, only ChineseYuan(RMB) is acceptable, Dollars are NOT acceptable. Without payment oftuition, the resident permit can’t be granted. The international studentsshould keep the receipt careful in case of checking. Tuition is not refundable.(Paying at Students Center, Floor 1,international Center)


Lodging fee: Double room 3000RMB/yr for each person


Deposit for room: 2000RMB

4、汉语教材费 共400元 (缴费地点:国际教育学院一楼)

Textbooks fee for Chinese:400RMB (Paying at Room 2105,International Education School)


Beddings: 380RMB (Paying at Room 2105, InternationalEducation School)

6、保险费:每年约800元 (缴费地点:国际教育学院一楼)

Insurance: 800RMB/yr (Paying at Room 2105, InternationalEducation School)


Resident permit fee: 400RMB/yr (Paying at JiningPolice Station)


Fees for Resident permit’s Photo: 25RMB (Paying at JiningPolice Station)


Physical examination: 350RMB/yr (Paying at Jining Entry-ExitInspection and Quarantine Bureau)

三、居留许可办理须知:Guidelines of Resident Permit


According to the regulations of Jining Police station,the international students should entry with X1 visa, register at Jining within24 hours after entry and register at local police station, and finish residentpermit at Jining Police station within 24 hours after entry.


When the international student need extend hisresident permit, it is not necessary for him to come to police station himself;he should contact the related teacher for visa and present necessary documents(tuition receipt, passport, photos from police station, physical examinationform, and visa fee), if his JW202 expires, he should renew his JW202 atAdmission Office 2 month before resident permit extending.


The international students should pay much attentionto validation of his passport, if valid time is not enough for 6 month or hasno visa page, he should renew it in time.


The international student can get one year residentpermit or half year resident permit. The resident permit can be processed in 3weeks and the passport can delivery from College of International Exchange to studenthimself only.


The photos from Police Station should be keptcarefully for next time.

6、留学生办理住宿登记后,应按国际交流学院要求到出入境人员检疫中心体检,并领取体检报告。体检报告有效期为一年,每次办理居留许可前必须提供体检报告。After register at localpolice station, the international student should come to Jining Entry-ExitInspection and Quarantine Bureau for his physical examination as the referenceof College of International Exchange and get the report.

四、课程安排须知 Program guidelines:


Timetables for language students are delivered from InternationalEducation Shool.


Language student can obtain school certificate afterone year study and qualified from final examination.


Study certificate is deliveredfrom Academic Department.



When checking in, the international students shouldpay deposit fee and offer the lodging receipt. International students can getroom key after paying the deposit; the deposit fee can be refunded with receiptwhen checking out. The bedding is optional to buy from Super market in collegeor from any stores. Logistic Department manages room arrangement, roomchanging, equipments repairing. If international students move to stay outsideof campus, he should register in local police station in 24 hour and informCollege of International Exchange.



Student ID card: International students can getstudent ID card from College of International Education Shool with one-inchphoto and 50 RMB at each end of a month.


Campus card: International students can get Campuscard from logistic building with 20RMB.


Passport of international student should be keptcarefully by the student himself,no one else can detain. If detained, internationalstudent should report to College of International Exchange.


After admission, international students can be addedto QQ group () to contact and get more information and documents.


Contact us:


Admission Office: +86-537-3617588


International Education Shool: +86-537-3617307


TIPS: Please buy a Chinese SIM card for your cellphone at airport for contacting school and your family after entry. Moreover,please exchange at least 200 dollars to RMB for the needs of food andtransportation before you come outside of airport.



Instruction: airport to Shandong Polytechnic College

1. 上海Shanghai

(1)上海虹桥站--曲阜东站 高铁

Hongqiao Railway Station- Qufu East RailwayStation


Qufu East Railway Station- Shandong PolytechnicCollege

1)出租车By taxi. Address:济宁市太白湖区荷花路6号,山东理工职业学院


Express: Qufu East Railway Station- Jining NorthStation, then take bus No. 31 to Shandong Polytechnic College


(1)北京站--曲阜东站 高铁

Beijing South Railway Station- Qufu East RailwayStation


Qufu East Railway Station- Shandong PolytechnicCollege

1)出租车By taxi. Address:济宁市太白湖区荷花路6号,山东理工职业学院


Express: Qufu East Railway Station- Jining NorthStation, then take bus No. 31 to Shandong Polytechnic College


Jining Qufu airport-Shandong Polytechnic College

1)出租车1)By taxi. Address:济宁市太白湖区荷花路6号,山东理工职业学院


Express: Jining Qufu airport-Jining North Station,then take bus No. 31 to Shandong Polytechnic College



All the international students have to obey the “Manualfor international students” and “Rules of ‘10 Points Penalty’ for InternationalStudents”. If a student breaks the rules and regulations, internationaleducation school will decuct corresponding points. The college will cancelstudents’ scholarship or expel the student permanently when he/she breaks therules seriously.





留学 入学指南