浙江经贸职业技术学院创建于1979 年,是浙江省人民政府与中华全国供销合作总社省部共建、以财经商贸类专业为主体的公办高职院校。学校坐落在浙江省杭州市下沙高教园区,占地575 亩。现设有信息技术学院、财务会计学院、工商管理学院、应用工程学院、国际贸易学院、人文旅游学院、合作经济学院等7 个二级学院。学校现有3 个本科专业和30
个高职专业,全日制在校生11700 余人,教职工580 余人。学校拥有雄厚的师资力量和优越的实验实训条件。40%以上专任教师具有副高以上职称,其中全国优秀教师2 人,国家
Founded in 1979, Zhejiang Institute of Economics and Trade (ZJIET) is a public higher vocational college jointly built by the People's Government of Zhejiang Province and Provincial Department of All China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, with the finance and commerce majors as its mainstay. ZJIET, nestled in Xiasha Higher Education Zone, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, covers an area of 575mu. It consists of 7 secondary schools,namely,School of InformationTechnology, School of Finance and Accounting, School of Business Administration, School of Applied Engineering, School of International Trade, School of Humanities and
Tourism, and School of Cooperative Economics. It provides 3 undergraduate programs and 30 higher vocational programs, and is home to more than 11,700 full-time students and 580 faculty members. It's equipped with solid teaching resources and superior conditions for experimental training. More than 40% of full-time teachers are qualified as secondary senior or higher titles, including two national outstanding teachers and a national innovation team of teachers in vocational education. There are five productive training bases with cutting-edge equipment and complete supporting facilities and several national collaborative innovation centers on the campus. So far, ZJIET has established close partnerships with more than 250 renowned enterprises at home and abroad.
学校构建了学历教育、技能培训、教学科研、职业技能鉴定协调发展的人才培养体系,并先后被确定为教育部高职高专人才培养工作水平评估优秀单位、浙江省示范性高等职业院校、中华全国供销合作总社示范性高职院校。2016 年学校被评为中国高等职业院校国际影响力50 强,2017 年以优异成绩被确定为浙江省高职院校优质暨重点校建设单位,2018 年被评为亚太职业院校影响力50 强学校,2019 年,入选国家优质专科高等职业院校和中国特色高水平高职学校和专业建设计划建设单位,2020年12 月,学校又被确定为浙江省高水平高职院校和高水平高职专业(群)建设单位。
ZJIET has built a talent training system featuring the coordinated development of academic education, skill training, teaching and scientific research, and vocational skill accreditation. It has been awarded with many titles, including
but not limited to, Zhejiang Provincial Model Higher Vocational College, National Model Higher Vocational College of All-China Federation of Supply and Marketing Cooperatives, A-class performance over the Higher Vocational College Evaluation of the Ministry of Education and National High-quality Vocational College. It was rated as one of the top 50 Chinese higher vocational colleges with global influence in 2016 and one of the top 50 influential vocational colleges in Asia & Pacific Areas in 2018. It was identified as Zhejiang Provincial Construction Unit of High-quality and key HigherVocationalColleges in 2017. It was selected into the Construction Projects of High-level HigherVocationalSchools and Specialties with Chinese Characteristics in 2019 and Zhejiang Provincial Construction Unit of High-level HigherVocationalSchools and Specialties (clusters) in 2020.
ZJIET has developed friendly and cooperative relations with more than 20 universities and international organizations in Germany, the United States, Australia, Singapore, Portugal, Hungary, the Czech Republic, Costa Rica, Thailand, Japan, Malaysia, Ukraine and other countries, as well as regions likeTaiwan, so as to promote programs designed for international
talenttrainingandscientificresearchcooperation.ZJIETwelcomes all the students around the world to join us.
ZJIET offers the following programs for international students:
学习期限3 年,完才培养方案规定的教学内容,修满学分,毕业论文通过答辩,可获得毕业证书。(招生专业及学费详见“学历生项目招生专业及学费标准”)
In three academic years, a diploma will be awarded so long as you complete the course contents and credits prescribed in the talent training plan and qualify the thesis defense. (See "Majors and Tuition Standards for Degree-granting Program" for details about majors and tuitions)
One who has obtained educational qualification above high school, if he or she studies elective courses as required by ZJIET, will be awarded a continuing education certificate at the end of
the study. It includes two sub-programs:
(1) 交换生或访问学生项目:国外大学或学院与浙江经贸职业技术学院签署校际交流协议或院系级交流协议,选派非中国国籍的学生到浙江经贸职业技术学院按规定选修专科生课程。(具体招生专业和收费按协议执行)
(1) Exchange or visiting student program: By entering an inter-school or inter-faculty exchange agreement with ZJIET, overseas universities or colleges can send students who are not of Chinese nationality to study elective courses at ZJIET. (Specific details about majors and tuition standards should be implemented as agreed)
(2) 专业进修项目:通过团体报名或个人申请的方式到浙江经贸职业技术学院选修相关专业课程。(具体招生专业和学费标准参照学历生项目相关规定)
(2) Professional continuing education program: One can study elective major courses at ZJIET by means of group registration or individual application. (Specific details about majors and tuition standards should be implemented in line with the relevant regulations for degree-granting program)
(1) 基本要求:
(1) Basic requirements:
? 申请人需年满18 周岁,不超过30 周岁,身心健康的非中国籍人士。
? The applicant should be non-Chinese national, aged 18 to 30, and sound in body and mind.
? 申请人应具有高中以上学历,并持有一年以上有效期内的外国护照。
? The applicant should obtain educational qualification above high school and hold a foreign passport valid for more than a year.
? 申请人愿意遵守中国法律及学校的规章制度、对华态度友好、尊重中国人民的风俗习惯。
? The applicant should be willing to abide by Chinese laws and the rules and regulations of ZJIET, uphold a friendly attitude towards China, and respect Chinese customs and traditions.
(2) Chinese proficiency requirements:
申请人作为学历生和短期专业进修生申请到浙江经贸职业技术学院选课学习,需提供汉语水平考试HSK4 级及以上证书;对未取得HSK4 级及以上证书者,学校对其进行汉语水平测试,测试成绩合格者(相当于 HSK4 级水平),予以录取。
The applicant, who applies for study at ZJIET as a degree student or advanced student taking a short-termstudy,should
provide an HSK4 certificate or above; for those who have not obtained such a certificate, ZJIET will organize a Chinese proficiency test, and those who pass it (equivalent to HSK4 level) will be admitted.
The applicant may enter the admission application system for international students (https://zjiet.***/student) to fill out the application form and upload all the materials concerned. (Refer to Annex 1)
It takes us at least 8 to 10 weeks after the application deadline to send out the formal Letter of Admission. We may inform you to attend an interview or request additional materials according to your application process during this period. If you are accepted, we will send you a Letter of Admission and other relevant documents as soon as possible. To track the progress of your application, please check in the admission application
system for international students(https://zjiet.***/student).
The applicant should provide the following application documents:
(1) 浙江经贸职业技术学院国际学生入学申请表
(1) Admission Application Form for International Students of Zhejiang Institute of Economics and Trade
(2) 护照首页(一年有效期以上);如果申请人曾经或者已经在中国境内,需提供护照的近一次入境记录
(2) Front page of passport(Validfor more than a year); if the applicant was or has been in China, the last arrival record in the passport should be provided
(3) 高学历证明或证书
(3) Proof or certificate of highest academic qualification
(4) 高学历历年成绩单
(4) Transcripts of highest academic qualification
(5) HSK证书或汉语水平证明
(5) HSK certificate or Chinese proficiency certificate
(6) 无犯罪记录证明(由当地公安机关开具)
(6) Certificate of no criminal record (Issued by the local
public security organ)
(7) 体检证明(6 个月有效期内)
(7) Certificate of physical examination(Validfor 6 months)
(7) Negative COVID-19 Nucleic AcidTesting Result
(8) Electronic ID photo (2-inch bareheaded photo with white background) ·
申请入学时间 Desired Admission Date |
申请截止日期 Application Deadline |
学期 Semester |
从9月开始至下一 |
秋季学期(第一学期)Fall semester (1stSemester) |
6月30日 June 30 |
年的1月 From September to January of the following year |
春季学期(第二学期) Spring semester (2ndSemester) |
12月30日 December 30 |
从2月开始至6月 From February to June |
学历生项目招生专业及学费标准 Major and Tuition Standards for Degree-granting Program |
二级学院 Secondary School |
专业 Major |
教学语言Teaching Language |
学费标准 Tuitions (元人民币/学年 )(RMB/academic year) |
信息技术学院School of Information Technology |
电子商务 E-commerce |
中/英 Chinese/ English |
12,000 |
软件技术 Software Technology |
中/英 Chinese/ English |
12,000 |
计算机应用技术 Computer Application Technology |
中/英 Chinese/ English |
12,000 |
计算机网络技术 Computer Network Technology |
中/英 Chinese/ English |
12,000 |
财务会计学院School of Finance and Accounting |
财富管理 Wealth Management |
中/英 Chinese/ English |
10,000 |
金融科技应用 Application of Financial Technology |
中/英 Chinese/ English |
10,000 |
国际贸易学院 School of International Trade |
国际经济与贸易 International Economics and Trade |
中/英 Chinese/ English |
12,000 |
学历生项目招生专业及学费标准 Major and Tuition Standards for Degree-granting Program |
二级学院 Secondary School |
专业 Major |
教学语言Teaching Language |
学费标准 Tuitions (元人民币/学年 )(RMB/academic year) |
国际贸易学院 School of International Trade |
跨境电子商务 Cross-border E-commerce |
中/英 Chinese/ English |
12,000 |
工商管理学院School of Business Administration |
市场营销 Marketing |
中/英 Chinese/ English |
10,000 |
连锁经营与管理 Chain-store Operation and Management |
中/英 Chinese/ English |
10,000 |
现代物流管理 ModernLogisticsManagement |
中/英 Chinese/ English |
10,000 |
工商企业管理 Business Administration |
中/英 Chinese/ English |
10,000 |
人文旅游学院School of Humanities and Tourism |
会展策划与管理 Event Planning and Management |
中/英 Chinese/ English |
10,000 |
酒店管理与数字化运营 Hotel Management and Digital Operation |
中/英 Chinese/ English |
10,000 |
应用工程学院 School of Applied Engineering |
食品质量与安全 Food Quality and Safety |
中/英 Chinese/ English |
12,000 |
部分生活费用 Certain Living Expenses |
项目 Item |
收费标准(元人民币/人) Charging Standards (RMB/Person) |
备注 Remarks |
留学生公寓(双人间) International student dormitory (twin room) |
400 |
每月 Monthly |
居留许可办理 Residence permit |
400 (仅供参考,以实际为准) (For reference only, subject to practice) |
每年 Annually |
保险 Insurance |
800 (仅供参考,以实际为准) (For reference only, subject to practice) |
每年 Annually |
体检 Physical examination |
430 (仅供参考,以实际为准) (For reference only, subject to practice) |
每年 Annually |
1. Scholarships and grants for international students provided by Zhejiang Institute of Economics and Trade
school and optimize the talent training environment so that they can be motivated to study harder, ZJIET has formulated theMeasures for the Management of Scholarships and Grants for International Students.
2. Scholarships for international students provided by the People's Government of Zhejiang Province
按照《浙江省教育厅、浙江省财政厅关于印发浙江省政府来华留学生奖学金管理办法的通知》(浙教国际〔2019〕20 号)文件的相关规定,组织申报。
Scholarships should be declared in accordance with the provisions in theNotice of the Department of Education and the Zhejiang Provincial Department of Finance on Issuing the Measures for the Management of Scholarships from the People's Government of Zhejiang Province for International Students(ZJGJ [2019] No. 20).
Contact person: Yang Mei, Xuan Jiahui
International Exchange and Cooperation Center, Zhejiang Institute of Economics and Trade
电子邮件:jmxy@***.cn Email:jmxy@***.cn
电话/传真:+86 571 89718410
Tel./Fax: +86 571 89718410
Contact Address: No. 280 Xuelin Street, Xiasha Higher
Education Park, Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, China
邮编:310018 Post Code: 310018