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Admission Brochure for “First-class Discipline” International Student Scholarship Program, Hunan Normal University2021-2022




1. 非中国籍人士。

2. 身心健康,品学兼优。

3. 有志从事语言教学、中外语言对比、比较文学与跨文化交流等相关人员。

4. 年龄为18-35 周岁(统一以2021  年6月15  日计)。在职教师放宽至45周岁。




All applicants shall be

1. Non-Chinese citizens.

2. In good physical and mental condition, well performed both academically and behaviorally.

3. Aspired to take future careers on language teaching, comparison of Chinese and foreign languages, comparative literature etc.

4. Between the ages of 18-35 on June 15th, 2021. Applicants currently working as teachers shall not exceed the age limit of 45.








(1) 汉语水平达到HSK4  级

(2) 英语授课专业,英语为母语或非英语国家学生英语须达到雅思6.5分或托福80分或同等水平;俄语授课专业,母语为俄语或非俄语国家学生俄语须达到相应俄语听说水平,汉语水平达到HSK5级;朝鲜语授课专业,母语为朝鲜语或非朝鲜语国家学生朝鲜





Admission Level: Graduate ( Doctoral degree and Master’s degree)

Majors:English Language and Literature; Foreign Linguistics and Applied Linguistics; Translation; Comparative Literature and Intercultural Study; Country and Regional Studies; Russian Language and Literature; Japanese Language and Literature; Asian-African Language and Literature; French Language and Literature; German Language and Literature; Linguistic Intelligence and Intercultural Communication Studies, etc.

This program commences in September 2021 and provides scholarship for maximum3academic years.

Scholarship quotes:3 for Doctors and 7 for Masters.

Scholarship coverage: Tuition fee will be waived and living expenses will be paid RMB 2,166 per month.

Basic Language requirements:

1. HSK (Level 4) is required.

2. English taught program, Non-native English speakers students shall reach an IELTS score of 6.5 or TOEFL score of 80 or recognized equivalent from an accredited institution

Russian taught program, Non-native Russian speakers students shall reach the corresponding Russian level and Chinese language of HSK5;

Korean taught program, Non-native Korean speakers students shall reach the Korean level 6 or above; French taught program, Non-native French speakers students shall reach the French European standard C1or above ;

German taught program, Non-native German speakers students shall reach the German European  standard C1or above;

Japanese taught program, Non-native Japanese speakers students shall reach at least the JLPT N1. Applicants shall be Master’s Degree holder when applying for Doctoral degree or Bachelor’s Degree holder when applying for Master’s degree. Applicants who could provide notarized document of the employment agreement or related proofs upon completing study are preferred.





Application deadline: June 15th , 2021 (for commences in September, 2021).




1. 申请者请登录网站 进行网上申请。无需邮寄纸质材料。

2. 准备申请相关材料。

3. 湖南师范大学组织奖学金评审。

4. 公布奖学金录取结果。

5. 寄送录取材料。



1. Please visitto finish the online application. Do NOT mail hard copies 2.Prepare relevant application materials.

3. Hunan Normal University organizes scholarship assessment process.

4. Hunan Normal University releases the list of students who won the scholarship.

5. Hunan Normal University provides admission documents.





1. 护照信息页扫描件(个人普通护照) 

2. HSK成绩扫描件 

3. 《外国人体格检查记录》。此表格由中国卫生检疫部门统一印制,须用英文填写。个人信息如:名字、出生日期、国籍需和护照上名字、出生日期等信息一致,名字不可以缩写或者省略。可在http://oiec.***.cn/info/1070/1637.htm 下载 

4. 经过公证的高学历证明和学习成绩单 


5. 无犯罪记录。由公安部门出具。证书上的个人信息如:名字、出生日期、国籍需和护照上名字、出生日期等信息一致,名字不可以缩写或者省略 

6. 推荐信。须提供两名副教授以上职称导师的推荐信。优先资助提供经公证的毕业拟任教机构工作协议者 

7. 申请陈述(800-1000字),用中文(或相应专业的授课语言)书写,打印并附申请人签


8. 语言能力证明,如果申请者的母语非专业授课语言,须提供相应的语言能力证明。

9. 个人介绍视频。不超过3分钟,用相应的授课语言对自身学术背景、学习计划、个人特长、毕业后的安排进行简要陈述,并将视频发送至study@***.cn 邮件请以护照号和申请专业命名;





a. A scanned copy of the passport photo page(Ordinary passport).

b. Scanned copy of HSK result.

c. Foreigner physical examination form, which is uniformly printed by China’s quarantine authority and filled with English.Personal information such as name, date of birth and nationality written on the form should be consistent with the name and birth date on your passport. Name written on the form should not be abbreviated or omitted. It can be downloaded through http://oiec.***.cn/info/1070/1637.htm

d. Notarized highest diploma and official transcript.

(The prospective diploma recipients shall submit official documents issued by your current school to prove your current student status and state expected graduation date .The official diploma must be provided at registration).

e. Non-criminal record report.The applicant shall submit a valid certificate of Non-Criminal Record

issued by the local public security authority and Personal information such as name, date of birth and nationality written on the form should be consistent with the name and birth date on your passport.

Name written on the form should not be abbreviated or omitted;

f. Two letters of recommendation singed by professors or associate professors. Applicants who could provide notarized documents of the teaching employment agreement upon completing study are preferred.

g. Statement of application (800-1000 words) in Chinese or the instruction language of major singed by applicant, including applicant’s Chinese language learning background, study plan and objectives in China.

h. Language proficiency certificate. If the applicants’ native language is not the instruction language, please provide the corresponding language proficiency certificate.

i. A self-introduction video.

In less than 3 minutes, make a brief statement in instruction language about your academic background, study plan, personal strengths and arrangements after graduation. Please send your video tostudy@***.cn. Head your email with your passport name and major.

The applicant is already in China, the current visa/residence permit and the latest entry stamp page should be uploaded online;

Further documentation of the applicant's academic ability and comprehensive quality could be submitted with the documents listed above.

Note: Documents in languages other than Chinese or English should be attached with notarized Chinese or English translations.




地址:湖南省长沙市岳麓区麓山路36号邮编:410081电话:+86-731-88872992Fax: +86-731-88854711

Email: study@***.cn网址:www.***.cn



International Students Admission Office

Department of International Exchange and Cooperation, Hunan Normal University Address: 36 Lushan Road,Yuelu District, Changsha, Hunan. Postal code: 410081 Telephone: +86-731-88872992Fax:+86-731-88854711

Email: study@***.cnWebsite: www.***.cn


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