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Liaoning Normal University College of International Education
FAQs Related to the Postponement of the Spring Semester
Part 1: Registration & Admission for New Students
新生何时开学? Q1: When will the 2020 spring semester starts for new students? 答1:为了保障国际学生的健康安全,根据学校《关于2020年春季延迟开学的 通知》,我校春季学期将推迟开学时间,确定开学时间后我们将第一时问通知 各位新生。
Al: In order to ensure the health and safety of all international students, (according to the university's notice on delaying the start of school in spring 2020), the starting of spring semester will be postponed. The specific start time of new semester will be announced as soon as we get further information.
是否可以改期? Q2: Is it possible to change my study period?
答2:可以,并免收本年度改期报名费,具体联系学院招生邮箱cie925@ ***。 A2: Yes. As long as you reschedule the study period within 2020, there is no need to repay the application fee, please contact us via cie925@***.
不改期学校有何安排? Q3: If I am unable to change my scheduled study period,
what should I do?
答3:我们已通过邮件或者微信通知报名者,请大家耐心等待,有消息第一时间 回复。延期开学期间,学校安排了网络授课,请阅读第五部分“上课形式与上课 要求”获得更多信息。
A3: We have already informed applicants via email or wechat. The College of Interational Education is working on the solution. Once we have further information, we will respond to you at the first time. Before the spring semester ficially starts, the courses scheduled in the spring semester will be teaching in three ways of online, please check part 5“Class Types & Course Requirements" for further information.
签证或签证申请材料因疫情过期,是否不得不放弃留学? Q4: In case the visa has expired due to the ongoing coronavirus situation, should I cancel my study plan? 答4:您可先咨询签证机构,是否有疫情期间延期政策,如果需要协助,发邮件 至学院招生邮箱cie925@***,招办协助出具补充材料,欢迎改期留学。 A4: You may consult the visa authorities first if there are any relevant delay policies regarding the coronavirus situation. If you need help, please send a request email to cie925@***. The Adnmission Office will help you with the complimentary materials for your rescheduled study plan.
各类奖学金申请是否会延期? Q5: Will all types of scholarship programs extend the application deadline?
答5:目前奖学金申请还没结束,根据疫情及上级通知,若有延期会第一时间通 知。
A5: At this moment the scholarship application is still valid. We will update information at the first time according to the situation of coronavirus as well as the superior notice.
现在语言生如何申请学历生项目? Q6: How could the Chinese Language Program students apply for degree programs?
答6:学历生分本科生、硕士生、博士生不同层次,对应有各类奖学金政策。具体申请办法请咨询学院招生邮箱cie925@ ***
A6: Degree Programs are divided into bachelor programs, master programs and Ph.D program. For each category there are different types of scholarship programs as well. For more information please contact us via cie925@ ***.
疫情期间我申请的奖学金项目会不会要求补交什么材料? Q7: Will I be required o submit supplementary materials for the scholarship programs during the coronavirus period?
A7: If there are any changes in scholarship programs, we will inform the applicants at the first time.
备注:请报名者留意邮件或微信,有消息招办会第一时间留言,其他未尽事宜, 可咨询学院招生邮箱cie925@ ***。
Remark: All the applicants please check on the email or wechat constantly. The Admission ffice of School of Intemational Education will provide timely information about University arrangements. For other matters not covered in the FAQs, please contact us via cie925@***.
Part 2: Returning & Scholarship for Registered Students
老生何时可以返回学校? Q8: When could registered students come back to schoo!? 答8:为保障全体国际学生的健康安全,根据学校《关于2020年春季延迟开学 的通知》,春季学期开学时间将推迟,具体开学时间另行通知。全体老生未经. 学校批准一律不得提前返回。学生未经允许擅自返回属于违反学校规定的行为, 学校将给予纪律处分。
A8: In order to ensure the health and safety of all international students, (according to the university's notice on delaying the start of school in spring 2020), the starting of spring semester will be postponed, and the specific start time of the new semester will be announced separately. All registered students are not allowed to come back without permission. Coming. back without permission is a violation of regulations and will result in disciplinary actions.
疫情期间,目前在华的国际学生奖学金生活费是否按时发放? Q9: During the epidemic period, will the scholarship international students who are in China currently receive the living allowance?
答9:疫情期间,目前在华国际学生奖学金生活费按规定标准正常发放。奖学金. 生应遵守本校或滯留地高校,及当地政府的防控规定。如有违反规定的,由所 在地政府,根据当地疫情防控规定严肃处理。情况严重的,疫情结束后,其奖 学金资格,将做相应处理。
A9: During the epidemic period, the living allowance for scholarship interational students who are in China currently is issued according to the prescribed standards. Scholarship students shall abide by the prevention and control regulations of CUG or the university and local govermment in the place where students are stuck. If there is any violation of the regulations, the local government shall seriously deal with it according to the local epidemic prevention and control regulations. If the violation is serious, the scholarship qualification will be infuenced accordingly after the epidemic.
疫情期间,对假期已离境的学生会发放奖学金生活费吗? Q10: During the epidemic period, will the scholarship intermational students who are not in China currently receive the living allowance?
答10:对假期已离境的学生,暂缓发放奖学金生活费,待学生返校后进行补发。 A10: For the students who have left China during the holiday, the living allowance of the scholarship will be suspended and will be reissued after the students return to university.
疫情期间,国际学生租房补助是否按时发放? Q11: During the epidemic period, will the rental subsidy for scholarship international students be issued on time? 答11:疫情期间,租房补助将参照奖学金生活费的形式发放。
A11: During the epidemic period, rental subsidy will be issued the same policy as the living alowance for scholarship.
Part3: Visa
我的居留许可在疫情防控期间过期,如何处理签证延期事宜? Q12: My residence permit expires during the pneumonia epidemic prevention and control period. How to deal with visa extension?
答12: 根据国家移民局、辽宁省公安厅、大连市公安局关于做好新型冠状病毒 感染的肺炎疫情防控工作的部署要求,大连市公安局出入境管理部门对有紧急 需要的外国人提供签证延期和停留居留证件预约办理服务,联系电话86766108-4。非紧急需要暂缓办证。根据有关法律规定和当前实际,对因在疫情 防控期间未及时办理签证、停居留证件廷期手续的,大连市公安局出入境管理 局将依法依规视情免予逾期居留处罚。
A12: For emergency situations, Dalian Public Security Bureau Exit-Entry Administration (EEA) Bureau will make arrangements for visa/ residence permit extension services on appointments please contact 86766108-4. For non-emergency situations, the EEA will provide other necessary conveniences depending upon the situation (The Visa extension application can be suspended). In light of the relevant regulations and current situation, those who are unable to extend the visas oI residence permits due to the reason of epidemic prevention and control shall be exempted from punishment by the EEA depending upon circumstances.
我现在不在中国,我的居留许可在正式开学前可能到期,如何处理签证问题? Q13: . I'm not in China right now. My residence permit may expire before the new semester
starts. How do I deal with visa issues?
答13:如果因为疫情防控,在开学返校前居留许可已经过期,也就是没有入境 签证了,根据国家移民管理局相关规定,来连外国人居留许可在境外过期,可 凭原居留许可申办口岸签证入境,到大连后凭学校公函申请学习类居留许可。 咨询电话: 0411-83887415.
A13: If the residence permit expires before the start of the new semester due to epidemic prevention and control, that is, there is no enty visa, according to the National Immigration Administration, if your residence permit expires when you are
outside China, you can apply at your port of entry for a port visa with the original residence permit. After you arrive in Dalan, you can apply for a study residence permit with the university official ltter. Consulting phone: 0411-83887415.
我现在在大连,我的护照即将到期,近期收到新护照,如何办理新的住宿登记、 处理在十日内变更手续? Q14: I am now in Dalian, my passport is about to expire, and I have applied a new passport recently. How can I register for a new accommodation and start the change procedures within ten days after I get the new passport?
答14:根据大连市公安局出入境管理局相关规定,对因在疫情防控期间未及时 进行变更手续的,视情免予处罚。
A14: According to the relevant policy of the Dalian Public Security Bureau Exit-Entry Administration Bureau, those who have not applied for going through the formalities for alteration in time during the epidemic prevention and control period shall be exempted from punishment depending upon circumstances.
备注:在疫情防控期间签证过期的,应当在疫情防控结束后10个工作日内到大 连市公安局出入境管理局办理相关延期变更等手续,对其非法居留行为不予处. 罚。未在疫情防控结束10日内办理相关手续的外国人,按照《中华人民共和国 出境入境管理法》进行处罚。
Remarks: If the visa expires during the epidemic prevention and control period, you should go to the Exit and Entry Administration of Dalian Public Security Bureau to complete the relevant extensions and other formalities within 10 working days after the end of the epidemic prevention and control, and you will not be punished for the illegal residence. Foreigners who fail to complete the relevant procedures within 10 days after the end of epidemic prevention and control shall be punished in accordance with the "Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People's Republic of China".
第四部分:学籍与毕业 Part 4: Student status and Graduation
如何办理休学、复学、退学等? Q15: How to apply for study suspension, resumption, termination, etc.
答15:各类学生可通过电子邮件提交至学院邮箱(cie925@***) 申请,学 院相关部门也将通过电子邮件审批和回复。如学籍异动涉及退缴费等手续,可 等到正式开学后返校办理或者委托他人办理。
A15: All categories of students may submit application by emails (cie925@ ***), which will also be reviewed and responded by emails. In case that payment or refund is involved, the student himselfherself or the entrusted person can complete the procedure in office when the spring semester officially starts.
延期开学会影响毕业吗? Q16: Will the graduation be affected by the postponement
of the spring semester?
答16: 2020年7月拟毕业的学历生应通过微信、邮件等网络平台加强与导师和. 论文指导老师联系。学位申请如有调整另行通知,学院将尽大可能避免延期 毕业。
A16: Students who intend to graduate in July 2020 should strengthen contact with their instructors through WeChat, email or other online plaforms. If there is any adjustment to the degree application, futher notice will be issued. And the university will make every effort to avoid delayed graduation.
新学期有补考怎么办? Q17: How to take the makeup exams scheduled at the beginning of spring semester?
答17:原定在3月末进行的补考延期进行,具体考试时间视实际情况另行通知。 A17: The makeup exams scheduled at the end of March shall be delayed and are up to futher notice.
如何申请学籍/学习证明? Q18: How to apply for studying certificate? 答18:在正式开学前,如有特殊原因需要学籍/学习证明,通过电子邮件提交至 学院邮箱(cie925@***) 申请。
A18: Before the semester starts, if students need to apply for studying certificate due to a special reason, please apply through email (cie925@***)
第五部分:上课形式与上课要求 Part 5: Class Types & Course Requirements
疫情防控期间国际教育学院采用哪种模式开展教学?什么时候开课? Q19: During the epidemic prevention and control period, which mode of teaching will adopted by College of Intermational Education, and when the class begins? 答19:学院目前采用的是在线教学的模式。教师通过在线教学平台,采用直播、 课程录像、讲义PPT、 布置作业、测试练习等方式进行教学。学院将于3月9 日开始线上教学。
A19: College of International Education is curently using an online learming model. Through the online teaching platform, teachers conduct teaching activities by means of live video lectures and publish related studying tasks including course videos, lecture notes PPT, homework assignments, and test exercises. The online teaching will start on March 9".
留学生线上学习的相关要求是什么? Q20: What are the requirements for intermational students to conduct an online leaming?
答20:各类学生采用不同的在线学习平台,请根据学院的通知进行学习。学生 应登录相应的学习平台,并进入任课教师建立的学习群,根据任课老师的要求, 积极主动参加线上学习,适当增加自主学习时间,完成任课教师布置的各项学 习任务。
A20: Students of different category may adopt different online platform; please conduct online leaming by the notice of College. Students shall log onto the platfom and also join the online learning group to conduct active learning as required by the
course teacher, where the learning time could be appropriately increased and the course assignment shall be completed.
因个人不具备网络访问条件,无法进行网络课程学习怎么办? Q21: What if the online learning could not be achieved due to the lack of internet access?
答21:因个人不具备网络访问条件,无法进行网络课程学习的,开学后需要自 行补课完成规定学习内容。学院将会给予适当的指导帮助。
A21: In case the online learning could not be conducted due to the lack of internet access, students shall conduct remedial study of the required course contents after the semester oficially starts, when the university will offer proper guidance and help.


留学 春招 招生问答