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包含学费、住宿费、生活费和综合医疗保险费;注:详细的奖学金内容请查看中国国家留学基金管理委员会网站(网址: http//www.***.cn )。





1. 直接网上申请,完成中国国家留学基金管理委员会在线申请报名后(网址: http//www.***.cn ),(杭州师范大学的机构代码为10346)。

2. 申请截止时间:2020430日,以在截止日期内完成杭州师范大学在线申请报名为准。



1. 必须持有有效外国护照的外国公民;

2. 年龄一般在18周岁(含)以上,35周岁(含)以下;

3. 身体健康,符合《中华人民共和国出入境管理法》规定;

4. 遵守中国的法律、法规及校纪、校规,尊重中国的社会公德和风俗习惯,无犯罪记录;

5. 硕士研究生入学要求获得学士学位或具有同等学历;

6. 申请中文授课项目,须提供汉语水平考试证书(HSK 5180及以上);

7. 学习计划书;

8. 两名及以上高级职称人员推荐信。 



请登录中国国家留学基金管理委员会网站(网址: http://www.***.cn)填写电子申请表格,同时登录杭州师范大学国际生报名系统()(请用Google浏览器),完成网上报名,并上传以下申请材料:

1. 《杭州师范大学入学申请表》(在线申请后自动生成);

2. 有效护照页(有效期6个月以上);

3. 健康证明《外国人体格检查记录》;

4. 近期护照用免冠白底2寸照片(照片必须参照以下格式:彩色2寸免冠证件照,白色背景无边框,头部占照片尺寸的2/3,照片尺寸不低于320*240像素,高宽比为4:3,大小为100-500KBJPG格式 );

5. 高学历证书及成绩单(应届毕业生提供预毕业证明),除中文或英文以外语言的证书及成绩单应附上中英文翻译件;

6. 无犯罪记录证明;

7. 申请费凭证;




1. 学校对申请人的申请材料进行集中评审,择优录取

2. 20205月学校将录取结果报中国国家留学基金管理委员会审核经中国国家留学基金管理委员会审核批准后,学校将在7月通知奖学金获得者,并发放《录取通知书》等相关录取材料。



1. 奖学金获得者须按照学校规定的时间办理报到、注册手续。未经批准而逾期不报到者,按自动放弃学籍处理,所获得的奖学金资格亦自动取消。保留入学资格者,不保留所获得的奖学金资格

2. 奖学金获得者来华后须按照中国政府奖学金有关规定进行管理,根据《中国政府奖学金年度评审办法》参加奖学金年度评审。奖学金年度评审不合格者,将被中止或取消其享受奖学金的资格

3. 该项目奖学金获得者来华后不得变更录取院校;原则上不得变更学习专业及学习期限

4. 本申请办法由杭州师范大学国际教育学院负责解释。             








2020CSC ScholarshipofHangzhou NormalUniversity


Chinese Government Scholarship Program is established by the Ministry of Education of China (here in after referred to as MOE), aiming to develop outstanding international talent and improve the perception of China’s higher education. Under the mandate of the MOE, Hangzhou Normal University is opening application for full-time postgraduate studies under the 2020 Chinese Government Scholarship –Chinese University Program.


Coverage and Duration of the Scholarship

1. Coverage of the Scholarship

(1) Exempt from tuition fee;

(2) Free accommodation on campus;

(3) Living allowance: Granted in accordance with the relevant standard;

(4) Medical Insurance for students of Chinese Government Scholarship.

Note: For more detailed information, please visit the website of China Scholarship Council: http://www.***.cn.

2. Duration of the Scholarship

Master's Degree Students: 2-3academic years   

Note: Applicants who apply for Chinese-instructed courses must have a good command of Chinese language. If their Chinese proficiency have not reached the requirement of our institution for professional learning, they are required to take one-year remedial Chinese language courses and pass the relevant test prior to the studies in their specialties.


When and How to Apply

Application deadline: April30, 2020.

All applicants who have completed online application in the website of China Scholarship Council also should complete the online application ofHangzhou Normal University: hznu.***/student.


Qualification for Application

1. Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens and in good health.

2. Applicants must NOT be registered students in Chinese universities at the time of application or graduates from Chinese universities whose graduation is less than one year ago.

3. Applicants for master's degree studies must have bachelor's degree and be under the age of 35;

4. Do not accept applications to major in one’s native language or a third language (French, English, etc.)

5. Applicants should have a good academic record.

6. Applicants should not be beneficiaries of any other scholarships.

7. Applicants for Chinese-instructed programs should have an HSK test score of level5 or above.


Application rocedures

1. Online Application for Chinese Government Scholarship

2. Applicants should log in the website at http://www.***.cn to complete the online application.  (Agency No.: 10346)

3. Online Application forHangzhou Normal University

4. Please log in the Online Application System ofHangzhou Normal University   (Google Browser Only) to complete the application and submit the required documents.

3. Required Documents for Online Application (Please upload clear scanned copies)

(1) Application Form

(2) A photocopy of passport

(3) Highest degree certificate and academic transcripts. Documents in languages other than Chinese or English must be attached with translations in Chinese or English. Applicants who are still studying in schools should submit the Certificate of Schooling.

(4) Photocopies of language proficiency certificates or the original language certificate of the teaching language during the highest education. Applicants for Chinese-instructed programs must provide the photocopy of HSK certificate.

(5) Personal statement in Chinese or English, should include study and work experience, reasons for application and study proposal.

(6) Two letters of recommendation in Chinese or English from full professors or associate professors. (Professors’ contact phone number and email address must be put on the letter)

(7) Published academic papers or other academic achievements. (if applicable)

(8) Photocopy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form (download), filled in English. The original copy should be kept by the applicant. The medical examinations must cover all the items listed in the Foreigner Physical Examination Form. Incomplete records or those without the signature of the attending physician, the official stamp of the hospital or a sealed photograph of the applicants are invalid.

(9) Application Fee Proof


Admission and Notification

1. Hangzhou Normal University will review all the application materials. Decisions for admission and for granting the scholarships will be made on the basis of the applicants' competitiveness, academic record and otherwise.

2. The name list of the scholarship awardee for postgraduate programs will be sent to China Scholarship Council for review in May, 2020. The name list is reviewed and approved by China Scholarship Council, the scholarship awardee will be notified by the university and Admission Notice with other relevant documents will be sent in July 2020.



1. Scholarship students should register on the date stipulated by the university. Students who have not received permission and arrival late for this registration will have their scholarship status automatically canceled. Students who have kept the admission and will not register in the fall semester 2020 will have their scholarship status canceled.

2. Scholarship students' affairs are managed according to the relevant regulations of Chinese Government Scholarship. Scholarship students must go through the Annual Review of the Chinese Government Scholarship Status. If students fail in Annual Review, their scholarship will be terminated.

3. Scholarship students are not allowed to change their institutions as well as their academic programs or the duration of study specified in the Admission Notice.

4. School of International Education ofHangzhou Normal University is responsible for the interpretation of the scholarship granting procedures and regulations.



Mr Hua

Admission Office, SIE


Phone: 0086-571-28865041





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