Students are welcome to apply for Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. studies at Guangzhou University for 2020!
一、Enrollment Information
Please visit the enrollment website of our school for more details.
二、Length of Schooling and Tuition Fee
Length of Schooling:
Undergraduate: standard length of education : 4 or 5 years, flexible length : 7 or 8 years. (scholarship only covers standard length of education)
Master: standard length of education:2 or 3 years; flexible length of education : 5 years. (scholarship only covers standard length of education)
Ph.D: standard length of education : 4 years, flexible length of education : 7 years. (scholarship only covers standard length of education)
Tuition Fee:
Undergraduate:18,000-20,000RMB each year
Master:20,000-22000 RMB each year; Ph.D:23,000 RMB each year
Graduate diploma or certificate will be granted when the student finishes the stipulated teaching plan, passes the exam and thesis defense on time; degree will be granted if they pass the degree related review.
Application Deadline: April 10, 2020
Admission Time:August 2020
What requirements should I meet if I want to apply for GZU?
1. 基本要求
Basic Requirements
The applicant should be a foreign national who is healthy and friendly to China and should obey Chinese laws and regulations.
2. 推荐要求
Requirements for Recommendation
The applicant should have recommendation letters from two full time professors or associate professors if they apply for Master studies or Ph.D studies.
A recommendation letter from at least a high school teacher is required if the applicant applies for Bachelor studies.
3. 学历要求
Degree Requirements
The applicant should hold a bachelor’s degree if they apply for Master studies. The applicant should hold a master’s degree if they apply for Ph.D. studies.
4. 年龄要求
Age Requirements
All applicants who apply for Master and Ph.D. studies should be above 18 years of age and under 40 years of age.
5. 入学成绩要求
Grades Requirements for Admission
Good academic performance in high school studies are required if the applicant applies for Bachelor studies.
Good academic performance in undergraduate studies is required if the applicant applies for Master studies.
Good academic performance in postgraduate studies is required if the applicant applies for Ph.D. studies.
6. 语言要求
Language Requirements
HSK4 or higher level (HSK5 Level is required for some majors) is required if the applicant applies for Chinese taught Bachelor, Master and Ph.D. studies.
Further confirmation should be made with the International Education School if the student applies for an English taught program. TOEFL≥72, IELTS≥5.5, GRE≥280, CET4&6≥425, TEM≥60, WSK(PETS5) levels which can qualify to study abroad, or any other qualifications which can prove English proficiency are required if the applicant applies for an English taught program.
NOTE: No matter which language the program is taught, all Master and PhD students are required to reach HSK3 or higher-level Chinese language proficiency when they graduate.
五、How to apply?
Submit the following material
Applicants should download their application fromhttp://gjjyxy.***.cn/info/1019/1917.htmand complete it by computer and then send togjjyxy@***.cn
(一) 发送申请材料到广州大学外国留学生招生邮箱:gjjyxy@***.cn
Send all the applications to our school email:gjjyxy@***.cn
1. 申请攻读学士学位,发送以下申请材料到广州大学外国留学生招生邮箱
Please send the following materials to our school email:gjjyxy@***.cnif applying for Bachelor studies.
(1) 经公证的高中毕业证书复印件
Notarized high school diploma or certified copy.
(2) 经公证的高中课程成绩单
Notarized high school transcripts.
(3) 高中就读期间一名以上教师的推荐信
Recommendation letters from one or more teachers of your high school.
(4) 高中阶段毕业证非经汉语授课获得,提供HSK五级或以上成绩单。
HSK5 or higher level certificate.
(5) 护照复印件
Copy of your passport photo page.
(6) 近六个月的健康证明
Notarized health report from hospital within the past six months.
(7) 近六个月的无犯罪证明
Notarized non-criminal report from local police station within the past six months.
(8) 小于100KB的个人电子证件照片
Electronic photo with blue background less than 100KB.
2. 申请攻读硕士学位,发送以下申请材料到广州大学外国留学生招生邮箱:gjjyxy@***.cn
Please send the following materials to our school email:gjjyxy@***.cnif applying for Master studies.
(1) 经公证的学士学位证书复印件
Notarized bachelor’s degree or certified copy.
(2) 经公证的本科课程成绩单
Notarized bachelor transcripts.
(3) 学士学位就读期间两名副教授职称以上教师的推荐信
Two recommendation letters from full time professors or associate professors during your bachelor’s study.
(4) 申请攻读汉语授课的,提供HSK五级或以上成绩单,提供相关英语水平成绩单。托福、雅思、GRE、英语四级、英语六级、国家英语专业考试、WSK(PETS5)或者能证明英语水平的其它考试成绩或成果。
HSK5 or higher-level certificate is required. English proficiency certificate is required:TOEFL≥72, IELTS≥5.5, GRE≥280, CET4&6≥425, TEM≥60, WSK(PETS5) level which can qualify to study abroad or any other qualifications which can prove English proficiency.
(5) 护照复印件
Copy of your passport photo page.
(6) 近六个月的健康证明
Notarized health report from hospital within the past six months.
(7) 近六个月的无犯罪证明
Notarized non-criminal report from local police station within the past six months.
(8) 小于100KB的个人电子蓝底证件照片
Electronic photo with blue background less than 100KB.
3. 申请攻读博士学位,发送以下申请材料到广州大学外国留学生招生邮箱:gjjyxy@***.cn
Please send the following materials to our school email:gjjyxy@***.cnif applying for Ph.D. studies.
(1) 经公证的本科和硕士学位证书复印件
Notarized bachelor and master degrees or certified copies.
(2) 经公证的本科、硕士课程成绩单
Notarized bachelor and master transcripts.
(3) 硕士学位就读期间两名副教授职称以上教师的推荐信
Two recommendation letters fromfull time professors or associate professors during your master’s study.
(4) 申请英语授课需提供相关英语水平成绩单。托福、雅思、GRE、英语四级、英语六级、国家英语专业考试、WSK(PETS5)或者能证明英语水平的其它考试成绩或成果。申请攻读汉语授课需提供HSK四级或以上成绩单及英语水平成绩单。
English proficiency certificate is required:TOEFL≥72, IELTS≥5.5, GRE≥280, CET4&6≥425, TEM≥60, WSK(PETS5)level which can qualify to study abroad or any other qualifications which can prove English proficiency is required if applying for English program. Both HSK4 or higher-level certificate and English proficiency certificates are required if applying for Chinese taught program.
(5) 护照复印件
Copy of your passport photo page.
(6) 近六个月的健康证明
Notarized health report from hospital within the past six months.
(7) 近六个月的无犯罪证明
Notarized non-criminal report from local police station within the past six months.
(8) 个人简历(含明确的学术经历)
Resume especially with a focus on your education background.
(9) 小于100KB的个人电子证件照片
Electronic photo with blue background less than 100KB.
六、What is the application process?
1. 学生在规定时间内提交入学申请材料,逾期不予受理。
1. The International Education School of Guangzhou University is responsible for collecting all applications. Applications submitted after the deadline will be regarded as invalid.
2. 经相关部门审核后,将在2020年7月底由国际教育学院通知被录取学生。
2. Approved applicants will be informed by the School of International Education of GZU at the end of July 2020.
3. Admitted applicants will be sent a letter of acceptance and a JW202 form (for visa application) from theInternational Education School.
7. Admittedstudents should apply for their student visa from their local Chinese embassy with their admission letter and JW202 form.
七、What is the contact information?
Email address:gjjyxy@***.cn
电 话:0086-20-39366100;传真:0086-20-39366098
Phone: 0086-20-39366100; Fax:0086-20-39366098
Zip Code: 510006
Address:Room 506, International Student Affair Office , Back Block of the East Administration Building, Guangzhou University,No.230,West Waihuan Road, Higher Education Mega Center, Guangzhou City, Guangdong Province, PRC.