初试参考书目1110|俄语:无 1111|法语:无 1112|德语:无 1113|日语:无 1115|西班牙语:无 2110|英语文学综合知识:无 2119|英语写作:无 3124|句法学 :1.Liliane Haegeman, Jacqueline Gueron, 1999, English Grammar: A Generative Perspective. Blackwell.
2.Liliane Haegeman, 2003, Thinking Syntactically: A Guide to Argumentation and Analysis. Blackwell.
3. Huang, C.-T. James, Y.-H. Audrey Li, Yafei Li. 2009. The Syntax of Chinese. Cambridge University Press.
3126|二语习得:Gass, S. M. & Selinker, L. 2008. Second language acquisition: An introductory course. NY: Routledge.
3150|语言哲学:1. Morris, M. (2008). An Introduction to the Philosophy of Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
2. Harnish, R. M. (1994). Basic Topics in the Philosophy of Language. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf.
3. Lycan, W. G. (1999). Philosophy of Language: A Contemporary Introduction. London: Routledge.
4. Grice, H. P. (1989). Studies in the Way of Words. Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. 3152|认知语言学:a. 专著:
Vyvyan Evans. An Introduction to Cognitive Linguistics[M]. Beijing: World Book Publishing Company, 2015.
George. Lakoff, & Mark Johnson. Philosophy in the Flesh - The Embodied Mind and Its Challenge to Western Thought[M], NewYork: Basic Books, 1999.
b. 国内外语言学期刊论文: Cognitive linguistics , Pragmatics and Cognition, 《外语教学与研究》、《外国语》、《现代外语》等。
3159|英国文学专题:1.Abrams, M.H, ed. Norton Anthology of English Literature. 7th ed. New York: Norton, 2000.
2.Bentley, Nick. Contemporary British Fiction, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press,2007.
3.Eagleton, Terry. Literary Theory: An Introduction, Oxford: Blackwell, 1996.
4.Eagleton, Terry. The English Novel: An Introduction, Oxford: Blackwell, 2005.
5.Selden, Raman et al. A Reader’s Guide to Contemporary English Novel. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press & Farrar, Straus & Giroux, 2005.
6.Williams, Raymond. Drama from Ibsen to Eliot, London: Chatto, 1954.
7.Woodring, Carl et James Shapiro. The Columbia History of British Poetry. Beijing: Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press & Columbia University Press, 2005.
9.侯维瑞, 《现代英国小说史》,上海:上海外语教育出版社,1985年。
12.朱刚,《二十世纪西方文论》, 北京:北京大学出版社,2015。 3169|英国文学与文化:Stephen Greenblatt. Norton Anthology of English Literature. 8th ed. W W Norton & Co Ltd, 2006. |