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  2020年03月01日19:53  大连理工大学 内容被挡住,点击这里看完整内容


Dalian University of Technology School of International education

FAQs Related to the Postponement of the Spring Semester of 2020

目录  Contents


Part 1: Registration&Admissionfor New Students


Part 2:Returning& Scholarshipfor Registered Students


Part 3: Visa


Part 4: Student Status& Graduation


Part 5: Class Types& Course Requirements


Part 6: Chinese StudyforNon-degree Students


Part 1: Registration& Admission for ew tudents


Q1:When will the 2020 spring semester startsfor new students?


Answer 1:In order to ensure the health and safety of all international students, (according to the university's notice on delaying the start of school in spring 2020), the starting of spring semester will be postponed.The specific start time of new semester will be announced as soon as we get further information.


Q2:Is it possible to change my study period?


Answer 2:Yes. As long as you reschedule the study period within 2020, there is no need to repay the application fee, pleasecontact us via dutsice@***.cn.


Q3:If I am unable to change my scheduled study period, what should I do?


Answer 3:We have already informed applicants via email or wechat. The School of International Education is working on the solution. Once we have further information, we will respond to you at the first time.Before the spring semester officially starts,the courses scheduled in the spring semester will beteachingin three ways of online,please check part 5“Class Types& Course Requirements”for further information.


Q4:If I am unable to get the signature and the seal required, what should I do with regard to the physical examination?


Answer 4:At the beginning of February, we have already informed applicants via email or wechat. The applicants should better have it done online. If you have difficulty in doing this, you could leave the form in empty and send a request email to dutsice@***.cn. Once the lock down restrictions could ease relatively,pleasesubmit the complete form as soon as possible.


Q5:If I am unable to send the application forms and materials in hard copy to DUT, what should I do?


Answer 5:At the beginning of February, we have already informed applicants via email or wechat.The applicants could send the soft copy of application forms and materials in one zip file to dutsice@***.cn.


Q6:In case the visa has expired due to the ongoing coronavirus situation, should I cancel my study plan?


Answer 6:You may consult the visa authorities first if there are any relevant delay policies regarding the coronavirus situation. If you need help, please send a request email to dutsice@***.cn. The Admission Office will help you with the complimentary materials for your rescheduled study plan.


Q7:Will all types of scholarship programs extend the application deadline?


Answer 7:At this moment the scholarship application is still valid. We will update information at the first time according to the situation of coronavirus as well as the superior notice.


Q8:If I have applied for the Chinese Government Scholarship for the spring semester, what should I do?


Answer 8:You could reschedule your study period to the autumn semester after getting the approval of the China Scholarship Council (CSC).


Q9:How could the Chinese Language Program students apply for degree programs?


Answer 9:Degree Programs are divided into bachelor programs, master programs and Ph.D program. For each category there are different types of scholarship programs as well. The Chinese Language Program students that would like to apply for degree programs at DUT could refer to our website http://sie.***.cn/ or contact us via dutsice@***.cn.


Q10:Will I be required to submit supplementary materials for the scholarship programs during the coronavirus period?


Answer 10:If there are any changes in scholarship programs, we will inform the applicants at the first time.


Remark:All the applicants please check on the email or wechat constantly. The Admission Office of School of International Education will provide timely information about University arrangements. For other matters not covered in the FAQs, please contact us via dutsice@***.cn.


Part 2:Returning&Scholarshipfor Registered Students


Q1:Whencould registered students come back to school?


Answer 1:In order to ensure the health and safety of all international students, (according to the university's notice on delaying the start of school in spring 2020), the starting of spring semester will be postponed, and the specific start time of the new semester will be announced separately.Allregisteredstudents are not allowed to come back without permission. Coming back without permission is a violation of regulations and will result in disciplinary actions.


Q2:During the epidemic period, will the scholarship international studentswho are in China currently receive theliving allowance ?


Answer2:During the epidemic period, the living allowance for scholarship international studentswho are in China currentlyis issued according to the prescribed standards. Scholarship students shall abide by the prevention and control regulations of CUG or the university and local government in the place where students are stuck. If there is any violation of the regulations, the local government shall seriously deal with it according to the local epidemic prevention and control regulations. If the violation is serious, the scholarship qualification will be influenced accordingly after the epidemic.


Q3:During the epidemic period, will the scholarship international students who are not in China currently receive the living allowance ?


Answer3:For the students who have left China during the holiday, the living allowance of the scholarship will be suspended and will be reissued after the students return to university.


Q4:During the epidemic period, will the rental subsidy for scholarship international students be issued on time?


Answer4:During the epidemic period, rental subsidy will be issued the same policy as the living allowance for scholarship.


Part 3: Visa


Q1:My residence permit expires during the pneumonia epidemic prevention and control period. How to deal with visa extension?


Answer 1: For emergency situations, Dalian Public Security Bureau Exit-Entry Administration (EEA) Bureau will make arrangements for visa/ residence permit extension services on appointments, please contact 86766108-4. For non-emergency situations, the EEA will provide other necessary conveniences depending upon the situation (The Visa extension application can be suspended) . In light of the relevant regulations and current situation, those who are unable to extend the visas or residence permits due to the reason of epidemic prevention and control shall be exempted from punishment by the EEA depending upon circumstances.


Q2: I'm not in China right now. My residence permit may expire before the new semester starts. How do I deal with visa issues?


Answer 2: If the residence permit expires before the start of the new semester due to epidemic prevention and control, that is, there is no entry visa,according to theNationalImmigration Administration, ifyourresidence permit expireswhen you areoutsideChina, youcan applyat your port of entryfor aport visa with the original residence permit. After you arrive inDalian, you can apply for astudy residence permit with the universityofficial letter. Consulting phone: 0411 83887415.


Q3:I am now in Dalian, my passport is about to expire, and I have applied a new passport recently. How can I register for a new accommodation and start the change procedures within ten days after I get the new passport?


Answer 3:According to the relevant policy of the Dalian Public Security Bureau Exit-Entry Administration Bureau, those who have not applied for going through the formalities for alteration in time during the epidemic prevention and control period shall be exempted from punishment depending upon circumstances.


Remarks:If the visa expires during the epidemic prevention and control period, you should go to the Exit and Entry Administration of Dalian Public Security Bureau to complete the relevant extensions and other formalities within 10 working days after the end of the epidemic prevention and control, and you will not be punished for the illegal residence. Foreigners who fail to complete the relevant procedures within 10 days after the end of epidemic prevention and control shall be punished in accordance with the "Exit and Entry Administration Law of the People's Republic of China".


Part4: Student Status& Graduation


Q1:How to apply for changing majors/study suspension/study resumption/termination?


Answer1:All categories of students may submit application by emails, which will also be reviewed and responded by emails. In case that payment or refund is involved, the student himself/herself or the entrusted person can complete the procedure in office when the spring 2020 semester officially starts.






Undergraduate students could send emails to the counsellor (liuxin99@***.cn); postgraduate students send emails toyoursupervisorsand copy to the counsellor (fuchongbin@***.cn for hDstudents and zhaoyuting@***.cn for master students); language students send emails to the counsellor (shichen02@***.cn).

Please attach the appropriate application form and other necessary scanned documents.

Related forms can be downloaded from:

Undergraduates: http://teach.***.cn/info/1077/4966.htm

Postgraduates: http://sie.***.cn/info/10050/89222.htm

Language Students: http://sie.***.cn/info/10050/90172.htm


Q2:How to apply for transcript?






Answer2:Currently the campus as well as each building on it is under enclosed management and the self-service printed transcripts are not available. It is suggested the official transcript could be claimed after the spring semester starts. If the transcript is needed for special reasons, application could be submitted through emails to Teaching Affair Office, SIE. The scanned copy of transcript with SIE stamp could be issued in 3 workdays.

For undergraduates, send emails to: zhangxy@***.cn;

For postgraduates, send emails to: duxl@***.cn;

For language students, send emails to: fenglu@***.cn.

Besides, undergraduates can also apply for transcript through wechat Little Program “可信电子成绩单”, please search“校务行”in wechat app.


Q3:Will the graduation be affected by the postponement of the spring semester?


Answer3:The students who are supposed to graduate in July 2020 shall strengthen contact with supervisors or thesis advisers by WeChat or emails. Currently, the blind review, thesis proposal, mid-term report, pre-defense and the final defense could be conducted on line.Besides, when the spring semester starts officially, extra meetings of Academic Degrees Committee are also planned, so as to shorten the waiting time for degrees.If there is any adjustment to the degree application, further notice will be issued. And the university will make every efforts to avoid delayed graduation.  


Q4:How to take the makeup exams scheduled at the beginning of spring semester?


Answer4:The makeup exams scheduled at the beginning of spring semester shall be delayed and are up to further notice. For the courses that have been failed, students can retake it before the makeup exam is taken. If the makeup exam is passed then, the courses that are under retaking could be withdrawn.


Q5:How to apply for studying certificate?


Answer 5:Before the semester starts, you could contact your counsellorif you need to apply for studying certificate due to a special reason. The counsellors will process your application when they are on duty.


Part 5: Class Types& Course Requirements


Q1:How to attend classes during the postponement?


Answer1:To strengthen the prevention and control of the COVID-19 and reduce the impact of the epidemic on teaching and learning, online courses have been offered since February 24. International students shall attend online classes as required.


Q2:What are the requirements for international students to conduct on online learning?



Answer2:Students of different category may adopt different online platform; please conduct online learning as per the notice by each School.

Students shall log onto the platform and also join the online learning group to conduct active learning as required by the course teacher, where the learning time could be appropriately increased and the course assignment shall be completed.


Q3:What if the online learning could not be achieved due to the lack of internet access?


Answer 3:In case the online learning could not be conducted due to the lack of internet access, students shall conduct remedial study of the required course contents after the semester officially starts, when the university will offer proper guidance and help.


Part 6: Chinese StudyforNon-Degree Students


Q1:Which kind of teaching mode will be adopted for Chinese language teaching?


Answer1:Chinese language teaching will be conducted on line, where teachers will offer online teaching video and slides, assign homework and conduct tests etc.


Q2:When will language students start on line learning?


Answer2:The language online courses will start from March 9.


Q3:How will language students conduct on line learning?


Answer 3:For the newly admitted language students, please pay close attention to email inbox. Detailed instruction about placement test and online courses will be sent through emails soon. For the language students who will continue with language study in spring semester, please join the wechat study group for new semester before March 9th. Teachers will issue notice in the wechat group and organize online courses then.


Q4:When will the make-up exams for the Chinese language students (scholarship students) who failed the final exams of last semester be arranged?


Answer 4:The make-up exams will be arranged when the spring semester is officially started. The exact date will be further notified.


留学 春招 招生问答