一、 报考条件
An applicant should beof good moral character,who will obey Chinese laws and regulations, university rules and disciplines, who will respectChinese social customs.
An applicant should be in healthy condition based on Foreigner Physical Examination (Form is provided on the official website).
An applicant should hold a Diploma or Certification of College / University.
An applicant shall be over 18 and less than35 years old theoretically.
An enrollee should pass HSK4 for majors in Sciences and HSK5 for majors in Arts, and the score should be no less than 180.
*An applicant who received scholarship of any Chinese organizations alike is not legible to receive CSC scholarship.
二、 报名时间及手续
Application Procedure
Deadline of Application:30April 2019
(受理机构编号请填“10679”,留学项目种类请选“ ”)
Application are required to completeBOTH on-line procedures and deliver hard-copy applicationmaterials to Dali University.
Online application: (1) http://www.***.cn/laihua
(Agency Number of Dali University:10679, Program Category Type: )
(2) Through E-mail,Universityofficial application website
Offline application:One-site application directly; Through Post
(EMS would be recommended within Chinese border)
1、 报名所需材料:
Documents to Submit
Dali University Application Form (provided on theUniversityofficial website)
CSC Application Form (provided on the CSC website)
A copy of Diploma or Certification (College/ University)
A copy of Transcripts (College/ University)
No less than two Reference Letters recommended by professor/associateprofessor
Study/Research Plan
Non Criminal Records
Latest Visa page (PRC Entry stamp page)
A copy of valid HSK Certificate (if available)
A copy of Foreigner Physical Examination Form
A copy of Passport
(All the Notarization documents required above should be in Chinese orEnglish)
三、 考核
Application Review System.
The Entrance Exam/Interview shall be subject to the Notice from Dali University.
四、 录取
The acceptance letter will be given to the applicant directly after all the documents being reviewed and accepted by Dali University and China Scholarship Council.
* 被录取学生将于2019年9月初开始在大理大学学习。具体报到日期以学院寄发的大理大学通知为准。
The enrollee shall be registering in Dali University inSeptember. Exact date of registration will be subject to the Notice from Dali University.
五、 学制:
Academic Year
SupportingCategory: 3-year Postgraduate study
An enrollee who has no valid HSK certificate shall learn Chinese Language Training course for 1 year. Within this time, the student will receive full scholarship monthly including winter and summer holidays.
六、 中国政府奖学金全额奖学金:
1. 学习费用:免去学生在学校学习的学费。
Tuition fee: Included in CSC full scholarship.
2. 生活费:硕士研究生每月将分别获得3000元生活补助。
Subsidy: 3000 CNY will be given monthly.
3. 医疗保险:学生在奖学金规定期限内将获得CSC提供的医疗保险。
Health Insurance: Included in CSC full scholarship.
4. 住房:学生在奖学金规定期限内可以免费在大理大学留学生公寓住宿。
Accommodation: In Dali University Foreign Student Apartment Included in CSC full scholarship.
七、 教材费和在中国合法学习的有关手续费由学生根据实际产生费用自行承担。
All the costs concerning on Textbooks and Travelrelated are not included.
八、 奖学金生纪律和年度评审要求
奖学金生在大理大学进行全日制学习, 期间须严格遵守各项校纪校规和《大理大学留学生行为守则》, 学习、研究和论文写作均在校完成,不支持远程授课,不支持转校。除假期之外, 原则上不允许学生在学期中离校,包括回国探亲、查阅资料或实习等, 如有特殊情况, 必须提交申请并出示导师和院系同意函, 经国家留学基金委同意后方可短期离校。 故意违反纪律或学期中无故离校者将被中断或取消奖学金资格。
The scholarship received students should be full-time study in Dali University, who shall obey rules and regulation ofDali University International Students Guidebook. Complete the study,research and thesis within University. Online study and transferring are notallowed. Travel back to home country, out visiting and Internship arepermitted on the special circumstance by Professors, College and China Scholarship Council. Discipline violating ordisproved leave would be deprived qualification as scholarship student.
按照国家留学基金委的规定, 本项目奖学金生均须参加每年的奖学金年度评审。 评审时间为每年的3月至5月。 评审合格者方可继续享受奖学金, 未通过年度
According to China Scholarship Council, CSC Scholarship Students should passthe Annual Review in March to May. Eligible students shall continuously receive the scholarship, and the ineligible ones shall not.
九、 毕业及学位
Graduation and Degree
在规定年限内完成培养方案的规定内容, 按照大理大学学籍管理和学位授予的相关规定, 且达到HSK5级(理科专业)/HSK6级(文科专业), 均需达到180分以上。符合各项条件的, 颁发相应的学历证书,并授予相应的学位。
Certification and Diploma will be given to the qualified students who succeed the academic study in Dali University within the given time.A graduate shall pass HSK5 for majors in Sciences and HSK6 for majors in Arts, and the score should be no less than 180.
地 址:云南省大理市大理古城弘圣路2号
电 话:0872-2218978
传 真:0872-2218979
International Students Admission
Education & Service Center for International Students
Dali University
No.2 Hongsheng Road, Dali, Yunnan 671003
Telephone: +86-872-221-8978
Fax: +86-872-221-8979
University Web:http://iecd.***.cn/
大理大学2019年硕士研究生招生学科专业一览表 List of theRecruiting Majors |
No |
专业名称 |
所在学院 |
1 |
民族学 Ethnology |
民族文化研究院 Institute of National Culture Research |
2 |
中国少数民族史 Chinese Ethnic History |
3 |
中国少数民族艺术 Chinese Ethnic Art |
4 |
中国少数民族经济 Chinese Ethnic Economy |
经济与管理学院 College of Economics and Management |
5 |
中国少数民族语言文化 Chinese Ethnic Language and Culture |
文学院 College of Chinese Literature |
6 |
生态学 Ecology |
农学与生物科学学院 College of Agriculture and Biological Sciences |
7 |
基础医学 Basic Medicine |
基础医学院 College of Basic Medicine |
8 |
内科学 Internal Medicine |
临床医学院 College of Clinical Medicine |
9 |
儿科学 Pediatrics |
10 |
神经病学 Neurology |
11 |
皮肤病与性病学 Dermatology and Venereology |
12 |
影像医学与核医学 Medical Imaging and Nuclear Medicine |
13 |
临床检验诊断学 Clinical Laboratory Diagnostics |
14 |
外科学 Surgery |
临床医学院 College of Clinical Medicine |
15 |
妇产科学 Gynecotokology |
16 |
眼科学 Ophthalmology |
17 |
耳鼻咽喉科学 Otolaryngology (ENT) |
18 |
肿瘤学 Oncology |
19 |
麻醉学 Anesthesiology |
20 |
急诊医学 Emergency Medicine |
21 |
全科医学 General Medicine |
22 |
临床病理学 Clinical Pathology |
23 |
流行病与卫生统计学 Epidemiology and Biostatistics |
公共卫生学院 College of Public Health |
24 |
公共卫生 Public Health |
25 |
护理 Nursing |
护理学院 College of Nursing |
26 |
药学 Pharmaceutical Science |
药学与化学学院 College of Pharmacy and Chemistry |
31 |
电子与通信工程 Electronics and Communication Engineering |
工程学院 College of Engineering |
32 |
计算机技术 Computer Technology |
数学与计算机学院 College of Mathematics and Computing |
27 |
学科教学(语文) Subject Education(Chinese) |
教育科学学院 College of Education Sciences |
28 |
学科教学(数学) Subject Education(Mathematics) |
29 |
小学教育 Primary School Education |
30 |
学前教育 Preschool Education |
The final interpretation ofAdmission for CSC Programshall be reserved to Dali University.
Anychange, please refer to theofficial notice from Dali University.