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  2018年01月11日15:35  中国戏曲学院 内容被挡住,点击这里看完整内容


2018 National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts Application Information for International Students (Bachelor’s Programs)



The National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts (NACTA)is an institution of higher education dedicated to cultivating artistic talents in Xiqu (a generic term used to describe a family of traditional Chinese theatre arts which includes 348 local kinds in China).We offer a rich array of learning opportunities to international students who are interested in Xiqu. To share Xiqu arts with friends around the globe and to promote international education, we encourage international students to apply to 2018 NACTA Bachelor’s programs.


一、报名 Application

1. 招生类型Student Type


We enroll full-time students in bachelor’s programs with bachelor’s degree (4 years, with the exception ofTheory of Music Composition and Techniqueswhich requires 5 years of study). Please see Appendix i for departments’ introduction.

2. 报名资格Qualification of Applicants

  • 持有效护照、具有外国国籍的永久居民;当中国大陆(内地)、港澳台地区居民移民外国后作为外国留学生申请来华进入本科阶段学习时,根据教育部规定,申请人必须持有效外国护照或外国国籍证明文件4年(含)以上,且近4年(截至入学年度的4月30日前)之内有在国外实际居住2年以上的记录(一年中实际在国外居住满9个月可按一年计算,以入境和出境签章为准);
  • 品德良好,遵纪守法,身体健康;
  • 具有与中国大陆高级中等教育学校同等毕业学历,或是已获学士及以上学位的人员;
  • 具有国家汉语水平考试(HSK)4级及以上水平;
  • 符合报考系部的招生专业要求(详见附件2《系部招生专业目录及要求》)。

   Applicants must be non-Chinese citizens in good health condition and with valid passport; if applicants are immigrants to foreign countries from China (including mainland of China, HK, Macao and Taiwan area), please submit (i) valid passport issued by foreign countries or foreign citizenship certification ( 4 or more years  of having foreign nationality); and (ii) record of at least 2-year residence in foreign country in the latest 4 years (up to April 30 in the year of admission). The  beginning and ending dates of residence recorded should be in accordance with the entry and exit dates of visa issued by the foreign country where applicants take up residence. 9 or more months can be considered as equal as 1 year when applicant calculates his or her years of residence in foreign country.

Applicants should have no record of lawbreaking.

Applicants should have high school diploma, or bachelor's degree or above (master’s or doctoral degree).

Applicants should reach the level of Chinese proficiency test band 4 (HSK 4) or above.

Applicants should meet the additional requirements related to majors required by departments that they hope to be enrolled in. Please see Appendix ii for details.



2018年1月2日至2018年1月15日 09:00-17:00

January 02, 2018 – January 15, 2018, 09:00-17:00


4.报名方式 How to Apply

报考我校的考生需到中国戏曲学院国际交流合作部(办公楼319办公室)报名,函报的考生请与我部联系后邮送有关材料。报名时需提交附件3《中国戏曲学院留学生本科生学习项目申请表》以及申请表中所要求的附加材料。报考材料审核通过后,我部将通知符合报考条件的考生,于2018年1月16日至19日08:30-11:30 以及13:30-16:30时间段到国际交流合作部(办公楼319办公室)领取准考证,同时缴纳报名费人民币800元,恕不退款。

Please contact Office of International Exchange and Cooperation (OIEC) of NACTA for application form (see Appendix iii). Applicants should submit the form and all documents required to OIEC (Room 319, Administration Building on campus) or tonactastudy@*** before deadline.

Having received our notification, applicants should come to OIEC in office time (08:30- 11:30 and 13:30-16:30) between January 16-19, 2018 to get permission card for taking examinations, and pay application fee RMB 800 (non-refundable).


二、入学考试 Entrance Examinations

入学考试设为一轮(含若干场次),考试地点均在本院,整体安排见附件4。关于部分系部要求的个人信息到院现场确认方式及地点、具体考试内容的说明、以及确切考试时间等信息,请于2018年1月2日至20日密切关注http://zs.***.cn 各系部发布的通知。该网站所有通知均为中文

There is only one round of entrance examinations on campus. See Appendix iv for the general schedule and brief introduction of exams. Please visithttp://zs.***.cn during January 01-20, 2018 for NOTICES ON THE SITES AND TIME OF ON-CAMPUS CONFIRMATION OF APPLICANT’S PERSONAL INFORMATION, DETAILED DESCRIPTION AND EXACT TIME OF EXAMINATIONS published by departments separately in Chinese language.


三、录取 Admission


We enroll students according to their application materials, examination marks and results of physical check-up, and will send admission notice to them in the last week of July or the first week of August.


四、入学注册 Registration


Having received admission notices, new students should get registered on campus in the first week of September and have physical check-up in Beijing.


五、学习、保险及住宿费用 Tuition,Insurance and Accommodation Fees


Tuition:  RMB 35000/year

Insurance: RMB 600/year(plan A) or 800/year (plan B), please visit for more information.

International students can choose to live in the international student dormitory, which offers shared ensuite room ( RMB1200/month) and ensuite room ( RMB2400/month).

六、奖学金 Scholarship


We encourage international students to apply for foreign student scholarship funded by Beijing Municipal Government. The scholarship is for the tuition-oriented purpose of supporting international students with good academic and ethical performance.



七、咨询方式 How to Contact us


地址:中国北京市丰台区万泉寺400号 邮编:100073

电 话: 86-10-63337505


Office of International Exchange and Cooperation

National Academy of Chinese Theatre Arts

Address: No.400, Wanquansi Street, Fengtai District, Beijing, P.R.China

Tel: 86-10-63337505



附件 大小


留学 大学 招生信息 本科