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2017年陕西省三秦外国留学生奖学金 西安电子科技大学招生简章

  2017年06月05日15:30  西安电子科技大学 内容被挡住,点击这里看完整内容
学生类别 奖学金名额 奖学金标准
本科生 12 13,000人民币/人
硕士研究生 3 20,000人民币/人
博士研究生 2 25,000人民币/人
 三、 申请要求
1. 申请者须为西安电子科技大学在校攻读学位的外国留学生,持有效外国护照,身体健康;
2. 申请者应在校表现良好,学习成绩优异,当年度必修课课程成绩均不低于70分;
3. 已享受或正在享受中国政府奖学金及其他各类奖学金(不含全勤奖、优秀生奖等鼓励性奖励)的外国留学生不再享受此项奖励;
4. 其他要求:
四、 申请所需要材料
1、 《西安电子科技大学三秦外国留学生奖学金申请表》;
2、 个人护照及有效签证复印件;
3、 成绩单(全部课程);
4、 推荐信;
5、 学习或研究计划(中文或英文,不少于800字)。
注: a.无论录取与否,以上材料恕不退还;
五、 申请流程
1、 申请人可向西安电子科技大学国际教育学院索取《西安电子科技大学三秦外国留学生奖学金申请表》,或者从 http://sie.***.cn下载该表。
2、 申请人应向西安电子科技大学国际教育学院呈递填写后的留学申请表、护照复印件以及相关学历证明材料。(详情参见 http://sie.***.cn
六、 申请截止日期:2017年6月9日(过期不予受理)
Sanqin Scholarship Of Shaanxi Government 
? The Standard of Scholarship:
Doctoral students & senior scholars (2 quotas): CNY 25,000;
Postgraduate students & general scholars (3 quotas): CNY 20,000;
Undergraduate students (12 quotas): CNY 13,000;
? Eligibility Requirements:
1. Applicants must be non-Chinese nationals and in good health.
2. Applicants should abide by Chinese laws and Xidian university regulations
3. Applicants should have a competitive academic performance.
4. Applicant is not a recipient of any other scholarships at the time of application.
? Application Documents
1. Application Form for Sanqin Scholarship of Xidian University;
2. Photocopy of the passport and visa;
3. Academic Transcripts (notarized copy):
Transcripts in other languages must be accompanied by a notarized translation in Chinese or English; 
4. Letters of Recommendation;
Two letters of recommendation (in Chinese or English) must be written for the applicant by Professors or Associate Professors;
5. Research Proposal or Study Plan.
Applicants must submit a written research proposal or study plan in English or Chinese.(800 words or more for Master's applicants; 1500 words or more for Doctoral applicants);
a) Application documents mentioned above will not be returned regardless of whether the application is successful or not.
b) Applications submitted without all the required documents will be rejected.
? The Application Procedure:
1. Candidates can ask an application form from School of International Education (SIE), or download it in SIE website.(http://sie.***.cn/html/english/Downloads/)
2. Candidates should submit filled application form, passport photocopy and related educational background proof to SIE. (See details in http://sie.***.cn)
? Application Deadline:June. 9th, 2017

2017年陕西省三秦外国留学生奖学金 西安电子科技大学招生简章 三秦奖学金申请表

原标题:2017年陕西省三秦外国留学生奖学金 西安电子科技大学招生简章

留学 奖学金 招生信息
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