专题一 文学
(1)Chapter 1 The Old and Medieval Period
1) Beowulf
2) Geoffrey Chaucer
(2)Chapter 2 The Renaissance Period1) Renaissance and Humanism2) Christopher Marlowe3) William Shakespeare
4)Francis Bacon
5)John Donne
6)John Milton
(3)Chapter 3 The Neoclassical Period1)Jonathan Swift2)Daniel Defoe3)Henry Fielding4)Robert Burns
5) William Blake
(4)Chapter 4 The Romantic Period1)William Wordsworth2)Percy Bysshe Shelley
3) George Gordon Byron4) John Keats
5) Jane Austen
(5)Chapter 5 The Victorian Period1) Charles Dickens2) Robert Browning3) Charlotte Bronte4) Thomas Hardy
(6)Chapter 6 The Modern Period1) George Bernard Shaw2) William Butler Yeats3) T. S. Eliot4) D. H. Lawrence
(1) Chapter 1 The Literature of the Colonial Period(2) Chapter 2 The Literature of the Revolutionary Period(3) Chapter 3 The Literature of the Romantic Period
1) Washington Irving: Rip Van Winkle
2) Edgar Allan Poe
3) Ralph Waldo Emerson
4) Henry David Thoreau
5) Nathaniel Hawthorne
6) Herman Melville
7) Walt Whitman(4) Chapter 4 The Literature of the Realistic Period
1) Mark Twain
2) Robert Frost:(5) Chapter 5 The Literature of the Modernist Period
1) Ezra Pound
2) Ernest Hemingway
3) F. Scott Fitzgerald
4) William Faulkner
5) Eugene O'Neill(6) Chapter 6 The Literature since World War II
(2)Geoffrey Chaucer’s literary significance
(3)Renaissance and Humanism
(4)Christopher Marlowe’s literary significance
(5)William Shakespeare’s four great tragedies, comedies and sonnets
(6)Francis Bacon:Essays
(7)John Donne: Metaphysical School
(8) John Milton:Paradise Lost(9) Jonathan Swift:Gulliver s Travels
(10) Daniel Defoe:Robinson Crusoe
(11) Henry Fielding’s literary significance
(12) William Blake and his major works
(13) Charles Dickens and his major works
(14) Thomas Hardy:Tess of the d’Urbervilles
(15) George Bernard Shaw:Pygmalion
(16) D. H. Lawrence and his major works
(17) Washington Irving:Rip Van Winkle
(18) Ralph Waldo Emerson: Nature
(19) Henry David Thoreau:Walden
(20) Mark Twain’s major works and language style
(21)Eugene O’Neill:Long Day’s Journey into Night
(22)Nobel Prize winners in Both British and American literature
(1)John Milton: Paradise Lost
(2)William Wordsworth: “I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud” and his theory of poetry creation
(3)Percy Bysshe Shelley: “Ode to the West Wind”
(4)George Gordon Byron and his “Byronic hero”
(5)John Keats: “Ode on a Grecian Urn” and his theory of poetry creation
(6)Jane Austen:Pride and Prejudice
(7)Robert Browning: “My Last Duchess” (dramatic monologue)
(8) Charlotte Bronte:Jane Eyre
(9) Nathaniel Hawthorne:The Scarlet Letter
(11) Herman Melville:Moby-Dick
(12) Ezra Pound: “In a Station of the Metro”
(13) Ernest Hemingway’s major works and “the Hemingway code heroes”
(14) William Faulkner:A Rose for Emily
(15) Walt Whitman’s major works and his literary significance
(1)William Shakespeare’s “Sonnet 18” andThe Merchant of Venice
(2)Robert Burns and his major works
(3)Edgar Allan Poe and his major works
(4)Robert Frost and his major works
专题二 翻译
I. Matching: (1 point ×10=10 points)
Directions:Match the following writers with their works.
( ) 1. William Shakespeare
( ) 2. Earnest Hemingway
A.The Sun Also Rises
B. Romeo and Juliet
II. Multiple-choice: (1 point ×20=20 points)
Directions:Each of the statements below is followed by four alternative answers. Choose the one that would best complete it.
1. ____ gave new vigor to the blank verse with his “mighty lines” and make ’blank verse’ the principle vehicle of expression in drama.
A. Surrey B. Marlowe C. Wyatt D. Sidney
2.Rip Van Winklehas its source material taken from ______.
A. Spanish stories B. German legends C. English tales D. Italian folktales
III. Blank-filling: (1 point ×10=10 points)
Directions:Complete each of the following statements with proper words or phrases.
1.__________ __________ written by Charlotte Brontë is the first important governess novel in the English literary history.
2. Henry James represented the _____________ _____________ who explored the psychology of their characters.
IV. Explanation: (5 points ×2=10 points)
Directions:Please provide brief definitions for the following literary terms.
1. Humanism
2. American Naturalism
V. Text Analysis:(10 points)
Directions:Please make a detailed study of ONE of the following poems by answering the questions below it.
Poem 1
Drink to me only with thine eyes,
And I will pledge with mine;
Or leave a kiss but in the cup,
And I’ll not look for wine.
The thirst that from the soul doth rise
Doth ask a drink divine;
But might I of Jove’s Nectar sup,
I would not change for thine.
I sent thee late a rosy wreath,
Not so much honoring thee
As giving it a hope, that thee,
It could not withered be.
But thou thereon did’st only breathe,
Andsent’st it back to me;
Since when it grows, and smells, I swear,
Not of itself, but thee.
1. What are the name of the poet and the title of this poem?
2. What is the theme of this poem?
3. What are the major images (意象) in this poem? What figurative meanings do they have?
Poem 2
One day I wrote her name upon the strand,But came the waves and washed it away:Again I wrote it with a second hand,But came the tide, and made my pains his prey."Vain man," said she, "that doest in vain assay.A mortal thing so to immortalize,For I myself shall like to this decay,and eke my name be wiped out likewise.""Not so," quod I, "let baser things devise,To die in dust, but you shall live by fame:My verse your virtues rare shall eternize,And in the heavens write your glorious name.Where when as death shall all the world subdue,Our love shall live, and later life renew."
1. What are the name of the poet and the title of this poem?
2. What is the rhyme scheme (押韵格式) of this poem?
3. What do these two lines mean?
“My verse your virtues rare shall eternize,
And in the heavens write your glorious name.”
VI. Translation:(20 points ×2=40 points)
1. Directions: Translate the following paragraph into Chinese. (20 points)
I hate jogging. Every dawn, as I thud around New York City’s Central Park reservoir, I am reminded of how much I hate it. It’s so tedious. Some claim jogging is thought conducive; others insist the scenery relieves the monotony. For me, the pace is wrong for contemplation of either ideas or vistas. While jogging, all I can think about is jogging—or nothing. One advantage of jogging around a reservoir is that there’s no dry shortcut home.
2.Directions:Translate the following paragraph into English. (20 points)