Guangdong University of Finance
International Students Recruitment Brochure
Guangdong University of Finance (GDUF) is located in the city of Guangzhou, formerly known as Canton, now ranking side by side with Beijing and Shanghai as one of the three most economically dynamic and flourishing cities in China.
With a population of over seventeen million people from parts of China and all over the world, Guangzhou demonstrates diversities in culture, ethnic and religion due to its economic vitality and inclusiveness. Various kinds of food and lifestyle, multi-cultural life experiences and dynamic employment market have turned Guangzhou a preferable choice for international students to further their study.
广州是华南地区的政治、经贸、金融和教育中心,也是中国三大交通枢纽城市之一。广州港是世界上大的海港之一,吞吐量占世界第5位,有200多条航线,与世界80多个国家350多个港口发生贸易往来;广州白云机场有130多条航线,每天1000多次航班通往世界207个目的地;广州的高速公路、高铁、地铁线也非常发达,从广州乘高铁半小时可到香港、澳门,乘飞机4-5小时可到吉隆坡、曼谷、雅加达。受温带海洋季风气候影响,广州终年常绿,花团锦簇,因此享有 “ 花城 ” 的美誉。年均气温在20-22℃。
As the hub of politics, economy, finance, trade, and education in South China,Guangzhou is also a bustling port, from which it takes half an hour to HongKong andMacao by high-speed train, or 4-5 hours to Kuala Lumpur, Bangkok , or Jakarta by air. Theport of Guangzhou ranks as the fifth largest in the world in handling capacity, with over200 shipping lines to 350 ports of 80 countries; its airport operates more than 130airlines, providing over 1000 flights to 207 destinations all over the world ever yday; theland transportation system of Guangzhou is composed of advanced subways,expressways and high-speed rails, forming a network connecting the outside world.
Featuring a temperate marine monsoon climate, the weather in Guangzhou isrelatively moderate with the annual average temperatures between 20 and 22℃. The cityis green with flowers blooming all year around and thus is known as“City of Flowers”.
广东金融学院介绍/Introduction of GDUF
As a public university, GDUF is one of the top 3 Chinese financial institutions, specializing infinance, accounting, insurance and trading. It has cultivated more than 160,000 professionals in the fields of economy and finance, which makes GDUF "cradle of professionals in finance and economics". It is widely known for the Monetary and Finance Museum, which is the largest of its kind in China, with a collection of 35,000 articles of world currency at various times. The library includes over two million printed books, over one million e-books and thousands of original edition academic journals. Besides, GDUF has as many as 50 specialist laboratories and language teaching centers.
The total number of full-time students (undergraduates and post-graduates) has exceeded 22,000. We have 944 full-time teachers, including 379 professors and associate professors, and 224 doctoral degree holders, with a large number of scholars from the educational, business and political circles engaged.
GDUF, consisting of 4 colleges and 14 departments, provides 38 undergraduate majors, 45 finance-related major orientations, covering 6 discipline categories, namely Economics, Management, Law, Liberal Arts, Science and Engineering. Finance in our university is the state-level specialty and a key discipline in Guangdong Province, with the other 4 disciplines, namelyInsurance, Labor and Social Security and Marketing, being province-level. Our Credit Administration is the only one of its kind in southern China.
国际教育/International Education
学校国际教育发展迅速。学校采取“2+2”、 “3+1”、 “3+2”等方式,实行中外校际间互认课程、互认学分、互授或联授学位的联合培养模式,与美国、英国、加拿大、澳大利亚、法国等国家的高校和教育机构开展合作办学,为师生提供学历学位教育及进修学习的机会。
The international cooperation programs are developing constantly. By adopting joint training modes like 2+2, 3+1, 3+2, GDUF provides mutually recognized credits and courses, grants mutually recognized or joint degrees with partner universities globally, providing further study opportunities for degree and certificate education for students and teacher s . We have signed cooperation agreements with over 40 famous universities around the world, such as:
Monash University (AUS)
University of Western Australia (AUS)
Portland State University (USA)
Purdue University (USA)
University of West England (UK)
University of Nottingham (UK)
Saint Mar y's University (CAN)
Université du Québec (CAN)
L'Université Paris Diderot—Paris VII (FRA)
Linnaeus University (SWE)
Since 2013, Guangdong - Nottingham Advanced Finance Institute has been established under the cooperation framework agreement signed by GDUF and the University of Nottingham, aiming at cultivating high-end financial talents in South China, promoting financial innovation and contributing to the establishment of a financial powerhouse of Guangdong in China. GDUF targets to become the pace-setter of application-oriented finance institutions.
College of International Programs (CIP) is an educational division of GDUF, in charge of operation of international exchange programs, the enrollment and administration of overseas students, international joint programs and international student programs. CIP provides more than 30 degree majors for international students. Besides, we also offer preparatory courses for international students who have no basic Chinese language ability, as well as multilevel Chinese language training programs.
本科生学历教育项目/Degree Programs
Department of Finance
Public Finance
Financial Engineering
Department of Accounting
Financial Management
Department of Insurance
Department of international Economics and Trade
International Economy and Trade
Economy and Finance
Department of Business Administration
Business Administration
Logistics Management
Economics Statistics
Hotel Management
Department of Labor Economicsand Human Resources
Human Resource Management
Science of Labor Relationship
Labor and Social Security
Applied Psychology
Department of Internet Banking and Information Engineering
Computer Science and Technology
Information Management and Information System
Electronic Commerce
Foreign Languages Department
Business English
Law Department
Department of Business Media
Chinese Language and Literature
Internet and New Media
Applied Mathematics Department
Finance Mathematics
Mathematics and Applied Mathematics
Information and Computing Science
Applied Statistics
Department of Public Administration
Public Administration
Public Ser vice Administration
Social Work
Department of Credit Management
Credit Management
Asset Evaluation
Department of International Education
Finance (2+2 international program)
Accounting (2+2 international program)
Finance(innovation experimental program)
Accounting(innovation experimental program)
(二)主要课程设置/Courses Arrangements
The first two years (Language Training) :Elementary and Intermediate Chinese, Listening, Speaking, Extensive Reading, Applied Writing, Chinese Language and Culture, Advanced Chinese, Advanced Chinese Speaking, Elementary Writing, etc.
The last two years (Specialized Courses)
Courses: Finance, Public Finance, Microeconomics, Macroeconomics, Accounting, Management, Statistics, Economic Law, Financial Accounting, International Finance, International Trade, International Settlement, Operation of Commercial Banks, Investment, Corporate Finance, Financial Engineering, Insurance and other selective courses.
Courses: Accounting, Management, Statistics, Marketing, Economic Law, Finance and Accounting, Tax Law and Tax Accounting, Cost Accounting, Financial Accounting, Financial Management, Auditing, Management Accounting, Information Systems of Accounting, Budget Accounting, Financial Analysis and other selective courses.
3、 国际经济与贸易专业:经济学、金融学、财政学、计量经济学、国际经济学、国际贸易、国际贸易实务、外贸英语函电、海关实务、国际服务贸易、国际贸易单证实务、国际贸易结算实训、国际商务沟通、世界贸易组织、管理学、统计学、市场营销、经济法和专业选修课等。
International Economics and Trade:
Courses: Economics, Finance, Public Finance, Econometric, International Economics, International Trade, International Trade Practices, English of Foreign Trade Communication, Customs Practice, International Trade Services, International Trade Documents Practice, International Trade Settlement Training, International Business Communication, World Trade Organization, Management, Statistics, Marketing, Economic Law and other selective courses.
Chinese Language and Literature :
①Chinese Language and Culture:
Courses: Advanced Chinese Language, Chinese Culture, Selected Chinese Reading, Educational Psychology and teaching skills. Upon graduation, students can engage in fields such as Chinese teaching, tourism, diplomacy, translation, journalism, etc.
②Business Chinese:
Courses: Advanced Chinese Language, Chinese Culture, Secretary Chinese Writing, Public Relation, and International Trading, the courses cultivate Chinese language skills and professional skills in secretary, management, public relations, program planning, and business activities.
Business Management :
Accounting, Management, Statistics, Marketing, Economic Law, Financial Management, Economics, Organizational Behavior, The Modern Enterprise System, Strategic Management, Human Resource Management, Management Information Systems, Management Science, Production and Operation Management and other selective courses.
(三)学历和学位证书/Graduation qualification and Degree Awarded
Graduates will be awarded with bachelor degree if the followings are met:
(1)Attaining all the compulsory credits;
(2)Thesis approved;
(3)Obtain HSK 4.
(四)申请条件/Admission Requirements
(1)Non-Chinese citizenship with a valid passport.
(2)Graduated from senior high school or above.
(3)A copy of official or notarized diploma certificate and transcripts of senior high school in English and Chinese (graduating students need present a letter of certification for graduation).
本科生预科教育项目/Preparatory Courses
(一)本科生预科课程/Courses Arrangements
Before you start your undergraduate studies at GDUF, you may need attend our preparatory courses, according to the Chinese language and/or academic requirements of your course and your educational background. They include Chinese language training courses, such as Chinese Listening, Chinese Reading, Spoken Chinese, Chinese Culture, Inter-cultural Communication, HSkExam Training, and other specialized core courses, such as Calculus, Linear Algebra, Computer Application.
1 - 2年(具体根据学科要求和汉语水平提高的程度或HSK考试成绩确定)
One or two years, depending on academic requirements of your course and the improvement of your Chinese language and/or HSK results.
(1)报名费:RMB 400元
(2)学 费:RMB 18,000元/年
(3)住宿费:RMB 8,000元/年
Registration fee:CNY400
School tuition:CNY18,000 / year
Accommodation charge:CNY8,000 / year
(四)申请条件/Admission Requirements
(1)Non-Chinese citizenship with a valid passport.
(2)Graduated from senior high school or above.
(3)A copy of official or notarized diploma certificate and transcripts of senior high school in English and Chinese (graduating students need present a letter of certification for graduation).
汉语言培训项目/Chinese Training Courses
(一)课程设置/Levels and courses
(1)初级:初级汉语综合,初级汉语听力 初级汉语阅读,汉语口语, HSK辅导。
(2)中级:中级汉语综合,中级汉语听说,报刊阅读,中国文化, HSK辅导。
(3)高级:高级汉语综合,高级汉语听说,报刊阅读,中国文化, HSK辅导。
Elementary level: Elementary Comprehensive Chinese, Elementary Chinese Listening, Elementary Chinese Reading, Elementary Chinese Speaking, HSK Tutorial.
Intermediate level: Intermediate Comprehensive Chinese, Intermediate Chinese Listening and Speaking, Selected Reading of Chinese Newspaper and Periodical Articles, Chinese Culture, HSK Tutorial.
Advanced level: Advanced Comprehensive Chinese, Advanced Chinese Listening and Speaking, Selected Reading of Chinese Newspaper and Periodical Articles, Chinese Culture, HSK Tutorial.
Spring term: every March to July.
Autumn term: every September to January.
Students who have completed all the required class hours and passed all the exams will be awarded a certificate by GDUF.
(1)报名费:RMB 400元
(2)学 费:RMB 8,000元/学期
(3)住宿费:RMB 4,000元/学期
Registration fee:CNY400
School tuition:CNY8,000 / term
Accommodation charge:CNY4,000 / term
Guangdong Provincial Government Scholarship for International Students
The scholarship, CNY 10,000, is offered to international students studying in Guangdong Province.
1)Scholarship for registered international students
2)Scholarship for coming to Guangdong Province for education
3)Scholarship for international students from“The Belt and Road”countries and areas
GDUF international scholarship for excellence
This college-specific scholarship is offered to those who behave excellently in both academic performance and school activities in GDUF.
申请材料/Materials to prepare:
Applicants should bring the following materials to the Office of International Student Service for registration:
original of your passport(for the school register)
3 copies of your passport's photo page(1 for OISS, 1 for residence permit, 1 for visa)
3 copies of your passport's valid residence permit page(1 for OISS, 1 for residence permit, 1 for visa)
5 copies of bareheaded recent photos(3 for OISS, 1 for residence permit, 1 for visa)2 copies of your JW202(1 for OISS)
original of GDUF's admission(for the school register)
original of non crime certification(for the school register)
联系方式/Contact us:
Office of International Student Service (OISS)
Tel: (0086)-20-37216285
王建强Wolff Wong董越Marco Dong