预定网址: www.*** (登陆后,请按照宿舍预定流程进行操作。)
如有问题请联系: chuxixiao@***(中关新园)
1、 浏览房型、房价以及剩余房间数量相关信息。
2、 根据个人情况以及房型数量信息,选中所需房型后,在预订系统时间内提交包含个人信息的预订申请。
3、 等待工作人员的处理,当系统中显示“状态:已确认”,请在3个工作日之内“支付预订金”,完成终预订的操作。未按时支付预订金的预订申请将自动取消。
Zhongguanyuan Global Village Dormitory Online Supplementary Reservation Notice
There are a small amount of available rooms in Zhongguanyuan Global Village. International students who are going to register in September 2017 are able to make a supplementary reservation on line.
Location: Global Village is located on campus.
Website: www.*** (Please follow the Procedures of Dormitory Application)
When to Apply: GMT+8 2017 Aug 10 9:00AM - Aug 12 9:00AM
Rooms are booked on a first-come-first-served basis; please complete the reservation procedure as soon as you can.
For more information, please contact: chuxixiao@*** (Global Village)
Procedures of housing application:
1. Click the ‘Housing Reservation ’ and view the information of remaining rooms, room types and room rates.
2. Submit your application within the application period.
3. Pay the deposit within 3 working days upon your application being confirmed. Please note that your application will be canceled automatically if you do not pay the deposit on time.