中南财经政法大学留学生招生简章 Enrollment Guide for International Students Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (ZUEL) |
中南财经政法大学是中华人民共和国教育部直属的一所以经济学、法学、管理学为主干,兼有哲学、文学、史学、理学、工学、艺术学等九大学科门类的普通高等学校,是国家“211工程”和“985工程”优势学科创新平台项目重点建设高校之一。学校现有两个校区,南湖校区位于风景秀丽的南湖湖畔,首义校区位于历史悠久的黄鹤楼下。 历史底蕴深厚,发展稳中求快。学校前身是1948年以邓小平为第一书记的中共中央中原局创建,并由第二书记陈毅担任筹备委员会主任的中原大学,著名历史学家范文澜担任学校首任校长,著名哲学家潘梓年任副校长。1953年,在全国高等院校调整中,以中原大学财经学院、政法学院为基础,荟萃中南地区六省多所高等学校的财经、政法系科,分别成立了中南财经学院和中南政法学院。1958年,中南财经学院和中南政法学院及中南政法干校、武汉大学法律系合并成为湖北大学。1971年湖北大学改名为湖北财经专科学校。1978年1月,湖北省批准学校更名为湖北财经学院,并成为首批恢复招收本科生和研究生的高校之一。1979年1月,经国务院批准,湖北财经学院由财政部及湖北省双重领导,以财政部为主。1984年12月,以湖北财经学院法律系为基础,恢复重建中南政法学院,归司法部领导。1985年9月,湖北财经学院更名为中南财经大学,邓小平亲笔题写了校名。2000年2月,国务院批准教育部的方案,中南财经大学和中南政法学院合并,于2000年5月26日组建成新的中南财经政法大学。2005年9月,学校跨入国家“211工程”重点建设高校行列;2011年6月,学校进入国家"985工程"优势学科创新平台项目重点建设高校行列。2012年10月,教育部、财政部、湖北省人民政府签署正式协议,共建中南财经政法大学。 学校现有全日制本科生20000余人,硕士生6000余人,博士生1000余人,各类学生20000余人,每年接受来华留学生400余人次。学校占地2900余亩,建筑面积110万余平方米,是全国早开通校园网络的百所高校之一。图书馆拥有图书300余万册、电子图书400余万册;学生公寓热水、空调等设施完备,会堂、小剧场等场馆齐全;学校运动场曾作为全国第四届大学生运动会主会场和主赛场,又曾作为全国足球甲级联赛赛场;校园内绿树掩映、湖光潋滟,景色优美。 学校逐步形成了以学院为主体、学者为主角、项目为纽带的“学校——学院——学者”三位一体的国际交流与合作框架。目前,学校与美洲、欧洲、亚洲、大洋洲、非洲的二十几个国家和地区的80多所高校和科研机构建立了国际交流与合作关系。与韩国东西大学合作举办有视觉传达设计(动漫游戏方向)和电影学(影像内容方向)本科教育项目,为教育部同类专业项目中第一个与亚洲高校合作的项目;与美国纽约州立大学石溪分校、法国雷恩商学院、冰岛冰岛大学、芬兰坦佩雷大学等有交换生项目;与英国卡迪夫大学、美国罗德岛大学、石溪大学、新西兰坎特伯雷大学和澳大利亚科廷大学等有联合办学项目。同时,我校每年举办“知识产权—南湖论坛”等多个高水平国际会议,邀请国内外近百名专家学者进行学术交流。 学校每年有650余名学生赴境外高校学习。作为中国政府奖学金和孔子学院奖学金院校,每年有近500名来自世界60余个国家和地区的留学生来校学习。学校为来华留学生设立了“优秀来华留学生奖学金”和“中南财经政法大学留学生中华文化教育基金”等各种层次的奖学金和教育基金,开设了金融学、会计学、国际法、国际商务、旅游管理、知识产权法等英语授课硕士、博士项目和MBA教育项目,开展了来华留学生汉语大赛、中外师生迎新春联欢会等文化活动,吸引了世界各地优秀学子来校学习和研修。2009年4月,与纽约石溪大学合作建设的孔子学院正式成立,国家副总理、时任国务委员刘延东同志亲自为石溪大学孔子学院揭牌。 A Brief Introduction to ZUEL Zhongnan University of Economics and Law (ZUEL) is an institution of higher education under the Ministry of Education of the People’s Republic of China with economics, law, and management as its core disciplines. These are coordinated with the development of nine other disciplines including philosophy, literature, history, science, engineering, art, etc. It is on the list of 211 Project and 985 National Education Priority Project. The university is composed of two campuses: South Lake Campus, boarding the picturesque South Lake, and Shouyi Campus, located at the foot of the time-honored Yellow Crane Tower. With a profound history, ZUEL is developing steadily by leaps and bounds. The university tracts to Zhongyuan University, which was founded in 1948 by the Zhongyuan Bureau of the Central Committee of the Communist Party of China under the leadership of Deng Xiaoping who was the First Secretary. Chen Yi, who was the Second Secretary of the Bureau, took charge of Director of the Preparatory Committee of Zhongyuan University. Fan Wenlan, the famous historian was appointed as the first President, and Pan Zinian, the known philosopher as the Deputy President. During the national adjustment of universities and colleges in 1953, Zhongnan Institute of Finance and Economics and South Central University of Politics and Law were founded on the basis of the Institute of Finance and Economics, and the Institute of Politics and Law of Zhongyuan University, integrating the Departments of Finance and Economics as well as Departments of Politics and Law in a number of universities and colleges across 6 provinces in the South-central China. In 1958, these two newly-established Institutes were merged with Department of Law of Wuhan University and Zhongnan Political Cadre’s Training School into Hubei University which was renamed as Hubei Training School of Finance and Economics in 1971. In January, 1978, People’s government of Hubei province authorized the Institute to change its name to Hubei Institute of Finance and Economics as one of the first batch of universities and colleges restoring the recruitment of undergraduates and post-graduates. In January 1979, under the approval of State Council, Hubei Institute of Finance and Economics was in the charge of both the Ministry of Finance of P.R.C and People’s government of Hubei province with the former as its major leader. In September 1984, based on the Department of Law of Hubei Institute of Finance and Economics, South Central University of Politics and Law was reestablished and led by Ministry of Justice P. R. C. In September 1985, the Institute was renamed again to Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics, inscribed by Deng Xiaoping personally. Later in February 2000, with the proposal of Ministry of Education approved by the State Council, Zhongnan University of Finance and Economics and South Central University of Politics and Law merged, and ZUEL was officially established on May 26th, 2000. In September 2005, ZUEL was listed on the “211 Project” and ranked among the universities of “985 Project” which acts as a platform for innovation cultivation and disciplinary construction. In October 2012, the Ministry of Education, the Ministry of Finance and the People’s government of Hubei province signed an agreement to develop ZUEL with joint efforts. The University serves more than 20,000 full-time undergraduates,6,000 post-graduates, 1,000 doctoral students, 20,000 continuing-education students and receives 400 foreign students study in China each year. Covering a total area of over 2,900mu (194.3 hectares) with a floor space of over 1.1 million square meters, ZUEL is one of the earliest universities offering the campus network. The University has a collection of over 3 million books and 4 million electronic publications in its library. The student apartments have been equipped with water heaters and air conditioners,etc. Venues such as stadium theater are all in readiness. Moreover, the university stadium was once the main venue for the 4th National Collegiate Sports Meet and Chinese Series A Football League. ZUEL campuses are beautiful, spacious and vigorous, with its sparkling lakes, flourishing trees and blossoming flowers. Zhongnan University of Ecnomics and Law (ZUEL) has gradually formed the “university—schools—scholars”frame of international exchanges and cooperation, with school as the main part, scholar as the leading role and projects as the bond. At present, ZUEL has developed a worldwide cooperative research and academic exchange relationships with more than 80 universities and research institutions of more than 20 countries and regions in Asia, Europe, America, and Australia. For example, we have hosted undergraduate cooperation projects with Dongseo University (Korea) on Visual Communication Design (Cartoon and Animation Game) and Film Study (Image Content),which are the first batch of projects cooperating with Asia colleges under the China Ministry of Education. We have conducted Exchange Student Programs with Stony Brook University ESC Rennes, Háskóli ?slands and University of Tampere, etc; we have also worked jointly with Cardiff University(UK),University of Rhode island(USA), Stony Brook University(USA), University of Canterbury (New Zealand) and Curtin University (Austrialia), etc. At the same time, we not only hold several high-level international conferences annually, such as “intellectual property—Nanhu Forum”, inviting experts and scholars at home and abroad to exchanges ideas. About 650 students go abroad for further study every year;meanwhile, about 500 students from 60 foreign countries and regions study at ZUEL, serving as the university of Chinese Institute Scholarship Program and Confucius Institute Scholarship Program. The university has established “Distinguished Foreign students Scholarship” and ZUEL Chinese Culture and Education Foundation and scholarship and foundation at various levels for foreign students. The university has set up various English language medium programs for masters and doctors and MBA students, such as Finance, Accounting, International Law, International Business, Tourism Management and Intellectual Property Law. The university has also held activities like Chinese Language competition, New Year party for foreign faculties, etc. The university is open to all educators, scholars, and students from all over the world. In April, 2009, the Confucius Institute was established with the joint efforts of Stony Brook University in New York and ZUEL. Liu Yandong, vice premier of the State Council ,then State Councilor attended the opening ceremony. 1. 国家级人文社科重点研究基地:知识产权研究中心 1.key research base of humanities at the state level:Intellectual property research center 2. 国家级重点学科:财政学、会计学、金融学、民商法学 2.Key disciplines at the state level:Public Finance, Accounting, Finance, Civil and Commercial Law 3. 英文授课研究生项目:会计学、金融学、国际法学、知识产权法、MBA、国际商务、旅游管理 3. Master’s Degree Program (taught in English, 2 Years): Accounting, Finance, International Law, Intellectual Property Law, MBA, International Business, Tourism Management ★ MBA项目获得协会AMBA(The Association of MBAs)认证 ★ The MBA Program is of world-class quality having been internationally accredited by the association of MBAs. ★《2014中国大学评价研究报告》:2014中国财经类大学排行榜排名第一 ★《2014 Chinese University Evaluation Report》: 2014 Chinese Finance and Economics university rankings: No.1 ★《2015中国大学评价研究报告》:2015中国财经类大学排行榜排名第二 ★《2015 Chinese University Evaluation Report》:2015 Chinese Finance and Economics university rankings: No.2 ★《2016中国大学评价研究报告》:2016中国财经类大学排行榜排名第二 ★《2016 Chinese University Evaluation Report》:2016 Chinese Finance and Economics university rankings: No.2 二、项目介绍 PROJECT INTRODUCTION
国际教育学院每学期精品语言教学课程,分为初级、中级和高级课程,通过专业测试安排学生进入相应课堂,每个班级约有15到20名学生。春季学期通常从二月下旬开始上课,秋季学期从九月上旬开始上课,一个学期通常有每周20课时,共18周的语言课程。学生可根据自身兴趣及汉语能力选择一到两门选修课程,如中国书法。每学期安排一次或两次实地考察活动。 Each semester, the International Education School organizes language-teaching classes at elementary-1, elementary-2, intermediate-1, intermediate-2 and advanced-1, advanced-2 levels. Students are to be placed in classes that suit them best by taking a proficiency test. A class is usually composed of 15-20 students. The spring semester usually starts from late February and the autumn semester from early September. A semester usually consists of 18 weeks with 20 class hours of language courses per week. Electives are offered for students to choose from one to two courses according to the students’ interest and Chinese capacity, such as Chinese calligraphy. Field trips are arranged once or twice each semester.
博士生专业(英文授课)Doctor’s Majors (English Program)
三、申请时间和费用:Application period and fees: 秋季招生申请时间:3月至6月 Application period for Autumn: from March to Jun. 春季招生申请时间:10月至11月 Application period for Spring: from October to November. 申请时间仅供参考,具体报名时间以官网发布为准 Note: the Application Time is for reference only; the specific schedule in web announcement shall prevail. 2.学费:
住宿费:双人间 25元/床/天 单人间 45元/床/天 医疗保险: 根据中国教育部的要求,每位在中国学习的留学生必须购买理疗保险。建议购买中国平安保险公司的留学生健康保险。健康保险费:800元/年/人(45岁以下) 报名申请费:500RMB(交换生不需支付报名费) 2.Tuition fees:
Accommodation Fees Double Occupancy: RMB 25 yuan/bed/day Single Occupancy: RMB 45 yuan/room/day Medical Insurance: The Ministry of Education of China requests that each foreign student studying in China should have to buy health insurance. Students are recommended to buy the health insurance in Chinese Ping Insurance Company. Health insurance fee: 800RMB/year/person (under 45 years old) Application fee: 500RMB (The application fee for Exchange Students is waived) 四、申请材料: Application documents:
标注了*的专业需要提供相关英文能力证明:比如雅思、托福成绩,或者在英文环境下学习和工作过的证明 The Major marked * should be submitted in Proof of English Language Ability:IELTS、TOEFL, you may also enclose a document to prove that you have studied or worked in English. 申请人提交的所有申请材料不予退还 The application documents and related documents will not be returned. 五、申请程序:Application Procedure: 第一步:输入在线报名网址http://iesmis.***.cn 第二步:进行网上用户注册,填写注册信息,点击“立即注册”,带*为必填 第三步:激活邮箱,点击注册激活链接 第四步:进行申报:
第五步:完整填写相关内容,按要求上传相应申请资料,提交电子报名信息。 ★ 请确保提供的信息和材料真实无误。 2.资格认定:报名者可通过在线平台查询录取状态,预录取后,将于相关部门进行审批。 3.录取通知书:在录取文件完成后会尽快邮寄录取通知书和JW202表格等相关文件,请定期查看邮件并确认邮寄地址。 注:对于孔子学院奖学金申请者,在被国家汉办录取后请尽快注册并登陆中南财经政法大学留学生报名网站http://iesmis.***.cn,完整填写相关内容,按要求上传相应申请资料,提交电子报名信息。 或浏览学院网页:http://ies.***.cn/NewsDetail.asp?ctype=xwxx1&sort=xinxigonggao&id=968 Step One: Type in online application website:http://iesmis.***.cn Step Two: Register online,*is the necessary information Step Three: Activate the mailbox, click on the registration activation link Step Four: Applying online, a. choose your program and click on “next” b. choose your type and click on “next c. choose “department、major、teaching language” and click on “Apply” Step Five: Complete the information, upload all the required documents and submit your application. ★ Please make sure all information and documents are true and valid. Uncompleted application would be rejected. 2. Qualification Verification: Once you are conditionally admitted, you can check the notification via the online system. After pre-inscription, it would take time to get the permission from relevant departments. 3. Admission Notice: When we receive the permitted document, we would send out admission notice and JW202 form ASAP. Please check email regularly and conform postal address. Note: For Confucius Institute Scholarship applicants, after being admitted by Hanban, the successful applicants need to register and apply online ASAP:http://iesmis.***.cn Complete the information, upload all the required documents and submit your application. For more information, please log onto: Or visit IES website: http://ies.***.cn/NewsDetail.asp?ctype=xwxx1&sort=xinxigonggao&id=968 六、联系方式:Contact Information: 地 址:中国湖北省武汉市东湖新技术开发区南湖大道182号 中南财经政法大学国际教育学院 邮政编码:430073 联 系 人:朱老师,杨老师 电 话:0086-27-88387760 邮 箱:E-mail: admissions@***.cn 网 址:http://ies.***.cn Address: International Education School, Zhongnan University of Economics and Law 182# Nanhu Avenue, East Lake High-tech Development Zone, Wuhan City, Hubei Province P.R.China, 430073 Contact person: Miss. Zhu,Miss. Yang Tel: 0086-27-88387760 E-mail: admissions@***.cn Webpage:http://ies.***.cn |