Brochure for 2016 Master’s degree program of Shanghai University of Engineering Science
1、申请资格 Entry Requirements
Aged from 22 to 35 and healthy, Bachelor degree holders or undergraduate students
Foreign visa holders
(3)汉语水平:须通过新HSK 5级
A minimum requirement of HSK 5 certificate above 180 to prove your Chinese language ability.(The students who graduated from the university in China with the bachelor program taught in Chinese needn't provide HSK certificate)
Deadline for Registration:May 15th , 2016
Term begins: September 2016
Tuition: RMB 25000 / year
5、申请材料Application Materials
Application Form for Study in Shanghai University of Engineering Science
An equivalent of China’s bachelor-degree education diploma
All Courses' transcripts in bachelor’s degree
A minimum requirement of HSK 5 certificate above 180 to prove your Chinese language ability.(The students who graduated from the university in China with the bachelor program taught in Chinese needn't provide HSK certificate)
One photocopy of passport and two passport-size photos
Recommendation letters from at least two teachers with titles of or above associate-professor
Personal statement and research proposal
Any materials which you consider it is necessary to submit (Optional)
Notes: Materials in Articles 2 and 3 should be original documents or notarized copies, in English or other foreign languages. The Chinese version issued by notarized or certified units should be included
6、报名方法 How to apply
Step1: Apply onlineand meanwhile upload the scanned copies of the materials listed above.
Step 2:Post or directly submit required materials to either of the two addresses before May 15th.
(1) Changning Campus: Room 711, Kechuang Building, No.350 Xianxia Road
(2)SongJiang Campus: Room315, Administrative Building, No.333 Longteng Road
7、录取通知 Admission result and Admission letter
The Admission Letter of successful applicants will be sent out from August, 2016. Please confirm your mailing address or receiving method when filling out the application form.
Note: Please bring the bachelor degree diploma and the copy with you on the registration day (as to other materials, please refer to the Admission Letter).
8、联系方式 Contact us
邮箱地址 Email:hanyu@***.cn; yangying@***.cn
联系电话 TEL:+86-21-62096501; +86-21-67874013
传真电话 FAX:+86-21-62754983
联系人:Ms Zhang, Ms Qian, Ms Yang
Changning Campus: Room 711, KeChuang Building, Xianxia Road, Shanghai University of Engineering Science
Songjiang Campus: Room315, Administrative Building, No.333 Longteng Road
*注:中国大陆(内地)、香港、澳门和台湾居民在移民外国后作为外国来华留学生申请者必须持有有效的外国护照或国籍证明4年(含)以上,且近4年(截至 2016年4月30日前)之内在国外实际居住2年以上的记录(1年中实际在国外居住满9个月可以按1年计算,以入境和出境签章为准);