Introduction to the Sinology Master’s Major of Qingdao University
The Sinology major is a second-level comprehensive major that is based on traditional Chinese guoxue, overseas “Han studies”, as well as research in Chinese topics. This major is specifically designed for international students. The major courses include, but are not limited to, Chinese literature, culture, history, religion, and contemporary topics. The goal of this major is to foster comprehensive, cross-academic knowledge in our scholars for them to be well-versed in contemporary Chinese politics and be able to work in Chinese-related fields.
The length of study is two years. 20 academic credits and a thesis are required for completion.
1. Chinese language and literature. Emphasis placed on Chinese linguistics and literature, with research focus thereon. Students will deepen their understanding and application of Mandarin Chinese and Chinese literature.
2. Chinese history and religion. Emphasis placed on origins of Chinese history and society, mythology, folklore, the development of Chinese history, and religious customs.
3. Media and impressions of China. Emphasis placed on discussion of cross-cultural communication, foreign media representations of China, Chinese news and movies, and Chinese society and customs.
三、课程设置 Curricular Design
The major curriculum includes both compulsory and optional general education courses and required major courses.
***pulsory general education courses (3 credits/course): Survey of Mandarin Chinese and Historical Chinese Literature.
2. Optional general education courses (2 credits/course): Chinese Humanities and Geography, Contemporary Chinese Society, Internationalization Chinese Culture, and Chinese Kung Fu and Culture.
3.Chinese Language and Literature (2 credits/course): Chinese Rhetoric, Research of Chinese Theatre, Research of Chinese Novels, and Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature.
4.Chinese History and Religion (2 credits/course): Chinese Mythology and Folklore, Special Topics in Chinese History, Chinese Religion, Modern Ideological Trends in Chinese Culture, Confucianism, and Traditional Chinese Society.
5.Media and Impressions of China (2 credits/course): Internationalization of Chinese Imagery and Structures, Chinese Media Culture, Modern Literature and Film, Cross-cultural Communication, and Chinese Society and Customs.
Note: During the course of study, students are required to choose three of the optional general education courses and three of the optional major courses. In addition, students must choose at least one course from each of the other two directions of study.
四、学位授予 Conferring of Degree
Once students have completed all required and optional coursework, they may begin writing their theses. Graduation theses must be chosen from a topic related to their field and students must be able to comprehensively apply the theoretical knowledge and methods previously learned. Theses must be written in Mandarin Chinese. Advisers will begin critique of students’ theses after their completion and students will then defend their theses. Students who successfully defend their thesis will then be conferred a Master’s of Arts degree from Qingdao University.
五、学费 Tuition
According to the Fee Structure for International Students Studying at Qingdao University (Master’s Students of the Humanities and Sociological Sciences) , the fees for this major are 20,500 RMB per student per year.
六、入学申请手续 Application Procedures
Application Period: Before May.30, 2015
Qingdao University International Student Application Form(Attachment)
3、护照复印件Copy of passport
4、大学或以上毕业证明Diploma from high-school or college
5、高学历阶段成绩单Transcript from highest academic institution
6、已就业者提交工作证明Working certification (applicable to those with work experience)
7、HSK5级成绩HSK Certificate(HSK5)
8.两名副教授或相当职称以上专家、学者的推荐信。A letter of recommendation from two associate professors, experts, or scholars with equal titles.
9、申请费400元。可以通过银行汇款-请发email索取账号,也可以直接到办公室支付现金。Application fee 400RMB.Bank or cash. Please inquire to the international office for bank routing information.
学历相关文件为中英文原件或公证件。All documents mentioned above should be written in Chinese or English and should be an original or notarized copy.
Application Submission (Please choose one of the following methods):
Email to: oip@***.cn
Mail by post: International Students Office, Qingdao University, 308
Ningxia Road, Qingdao 266071China
Tel: (86) 532-85953863
Come to the International Students Office to ubmit directly.
Directions: This office is located in the lobby of Minxing Building in the West Campus of Qingdao University, 308 Ningxia Road (100 meters north of the International Academic Center).
七、录取 Admission
Applicants with satisfactory applications will be required to take the standard entrance examination and interview. Candidates who pass the exams will receive an “Admission Notice” and “Visa Application for International Students and Scholars to China (JW202 Form).” Please apply for an X1orX2 visa at the Chinese Embassy or Consulate in your home country by using our materials. For the details of the visa process, please check with the Chinese Embassy or Consulate.
八、 报到Registration
Registration period: Sep.7, 2015- Sep.9, 2015
Register at the International Student Office during the registration period specified in the Registrations Guide.
五 联系方式
Tel: (86) 532-85953863 Fax: (86) 532-85954822 E-mail:
青岛大学文学院 Tel:0532-85953352 Fax:0532-85951066 E-mail:
Contact Information
International Students Office Tel: (86) 532-85953863
Qingdao University Fax: (86) 532-85954822
308 Ningxia Road, Qingdao 266071 E-mail: oip@***.cn
China Web: www.***.cn
Tel: (86) 532-85953863 Fax:0532-85951066