一. 奖学金项目
1. 中国政府奖学金华中师范大学自主招生项目(16人)
报名方式:参见国家留学基金委来华留学网站 www.***.cn/laihua
2. 中美人文交流奖学金项目(5人)
报名方式:参见国家留学基金委来华留学网站 www.***.cn/laihua
3. 孔子学院奖学金项目
招生专业、层次及人数: 汉语国际教育硕士(30人)、语言进修生(30人)
4. 华中师范大学优秀学生奖学金项目(100人)
5. 华中师范大学国别奖学金项目(100人)
中国湖北武汉珞喻路152号 430079
二. 招生目录
院系 |
层次 |
中文授课专业 |
英文授课专业 |
国际文化交流学院 |
本科 |
汉语言;商务汉语 |
无 |
硕士 |
汉语国际教育硕士 |
无 |
进修生 |
汉语言 |
无 |
信息管理学院 |
本科 |
信息管理与信息系统;电子商务 |
无 |
硕士 |
情报学;管理科学与工程;企业管理;图书馆学;档案学;物流工程;项目管理 |
情报学;图书馆学;物流工程 |
博士 |
管理科学与工程;情报学 |
情报学 |
本科 |
体育教育;运动训练 |
无 |
硕士 |
体育人文社会学;运动人体科学;体育教育训练学;民族传统体育 |
无 |
博士 |
体育人文社会学;体育教育训练学;民族传统体育 |
体育人文社会学;体育教育训练学 |
社会学院 |
本科 |
社会学;社会工作 |
无 |
硕士 |
社会学;社会工作 |
社会学;社会工作 |
博士 |
社会学 |
社会学 |
本科 |
生物科学专业;生物技术专业 |
无 |
硕士 |
生物化学与分子生物学 |
生物化学与分子生物学 |
博士 |
植物学;动物学 |
植物学;动物学 |
本科 |
心理学 |
无 |
硕士 |
基础心理学;发展与教育心理学;应用心理学(不包含心理咨询与治疗方向) |
基础心理学;发展与教育心理学;应用心理学(不包含心理咨询与治疗方向) |
博士 |
基础心理学;发展与教育心理学 |
基础心理学;发展与教育心理学 |
本科 |
无 |
无 |
硕士 |
无机化学;分析化学;有机化学;物理化学;高分子化学与物理 |
无机化学;分析化学;有机化学;物理化学;高分子化学与物理 |
博士 |
无 |
无 |
本科 |
数学与应用数学; |
无 |
硕士 |
基础数学;应用数学;概率论与数理统计;运筹学与控制论;计算数学 |
基础数学;应用数学;概率论与数理统计;运筹学与控制论;计算数学 |
博士 |
基础数学;应用数学;运筹学与控制论;数理统计学 |
基础数学;应用数学;运筹学与控制论;数理统计学 |
本科 |
国际贸易;工商管理;经济学;房地产经营管理;财务会计 |
无 |
硕士 |
国际经济学;工商管理;西方经济学;世界经济;政治经济学;经济思想史;人口资源与环境经济学;区域经济学;产业经济学;数量经济学;企业管理;土地资源管理; |
工商管理 |
博士 |
无 |
无 |
本科 |
美术学;艺术设计;动画;绘画 |
无 |
硕士 |
美术学;设计学 |
无 |
博士 |
无 |
无 |
计算机学院 |
本科 |
计算机科学与技术 |
计算机信息技术类 |
硕士 |
计算机科学与技术;软件工程 |
无 |
博士 |
无 |
无 |
本科 |
无 |
无 |
硕士 |
国际关系;国际政治;外交学;政治学理论;中外政治制度;科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动;政治社会学;政治经济学;地方政府学;马克思主义中国化研究;国外马克思主义研究;宪政与法治;国家治理与考选制度 |
国际关系;国际政治;外交学 |
博士 |
国际关系;国际政治;外交学;政治学理论;中外政治制度;科学社会主义与国际共产主义运动;政治社会学;政治经济学;地方政府学;马克思主义中国化研究;国外马克思主义研究;宪政与法治;国家治理与考选制度 |
国际关系;国际政治;外交学 |
本科 |
音乐学;音乐表演 |
无 |
硕士 |
音乐学 |
无 |
博士 |
无 |
无 |
外国语学院 |
本科 |
英语;英语(翻译);日语;法语;俄语 |
无 |
硕士 |
英语教育硕士;英语语言文学;法语;翻译硕士;日本语言文学;俄语 |
英语;日语;俄语;法语 |
博士 |
英语语言文学;日本语言文学;俄语 |
英语;日语;俄语 |
本科 |
物理学;电子信息技术;通信工程 |
无 |
硕士 |
理论物理;粒子物理与原子核物理;原子与分子物理;凝聚态物理;光学;无线电物理;天体物理;材料物理与化学;物理电子学;电路与系统;微电子学与固体电子学;电磁场与微波技术;通信与信息系统;电子信息工程 |
理论物理;粒子物理与原子核物理;原子与分子物理;凝聚态物理;光学;无线电物理;天体物理;材料物理与化学;物理电子学;电路与系统;微电子学与固体电子学;电磁场与微波技术;通信与信息系统 |
博士 |
理论物理;粒子物理与原子 核物理;原子与分子物理;凝聚态物理;光学;无线电物理;天体粒子物理 |
理论物理;粒子物理与原子 核物理;原子与分子物理;凝聚态物理;光学;无线电物理;天体粒子物理 |
城市与环境科学学院 |
本科 |
旅游管理;地理科学;资源环境与城乡规划管理 |
无 |
硕士 |
旅游管理;自然地理学;土地资源管理;人文地理学 |
无 |
博士 |
人文地理学 |
无 |
本科 |
汉语言文学;汉语言; |
无 |
硕士 |
文艺学;语言学及应用语言学;汉语言文学;中国古典文献学;中国古代文学;中国现当代文学;比较文学与世界文学;影视文学;民间文学;对外汉语教学 |
无 |
博士 |
文艺学;语言学及应用语言学;汉语言文字学;中国古典文献学;中国古代文学;中国现当代文学;比较文学与世界文学;民间文学 |
无 |
本科 |
国际政治 |
无 |
硕士 |
马克思主义哲学;外国哲学;逻辑学;伦理学;科学技术哲学;国际政治 |
无 |
博士 |
马克思主义哲学 |
无 |
教育学院 |
本科 |
教育学;学前教育;特殊教育 |
无 |
硕士 |
教育学;学前教育;特殊教育;比较教育;教育经济与管理;教育社会学;教育史;课程与教学论 |
课程与教学论 |
博士 |
教育学;学前教育;特殊教育;比较教育;教育经济与管理;教育社会学;教育史;课程与教学论 |
无 |
信息与新闻传播学院 |
本科 |
新闻学;新闻学; |
无 |
硕士 |
新闻学;传播学;教育技术学 |
无 |
法学院 |
本科 |
法学 |
无 |
硕士 |
宪法学与行政法学;民商法学;诉讼法学;经济法学 |
无 |
历史文化学院 |
本科 |
历史学;文化遗产与文化产业 |
无 |
硕士 |
史学理论及史学史;历史地理学;历史文献学;专门史;中国古代史;中国近现代史;经济-社会史;区域文化史;世界史;国际关系史 |
无 |
博士 |
史学理论及史学史;历史地理学;历史文献学;专门史;中国古代史;中国近现代史;经济-社会史;区域文化史;世界史;国际关系史 |
无 |
三. 费用标准
(单位:人民币 元)
项目 |
金额 |
报名费 |
300元 |
中文授课专业学 费 |
文科 |
理科 |
音乐、美术及体育 |
本科 |
18000元/年 |
20000元/年 |
22000元/年 |
硕士 |
22000元/年 |
28000元/年 |
28000元/年 |
博士 |
28000元/年 |
36000元/年 |
36000元/年 |
普通进修 |
18000元/年 |
20000元/年 |
高级进修 |
22000元/年 |
28000元/年 |
语言进修 |
17000元/年 |
预科 |
24000元/年 |
英文授课专业学费 |
本科 |
22000元/年 |
24000元/年 |
硕士 |
28000元/年 |
34000元/年 |
博士 |
32000元/年 |
39000元/年 |
进修生 |
28000元/年 |
36000元/年 |
住宿费 |
宿舍地点 |
单间 |
双间 |
设施 |
CICE 宿舍 |
1200-1500元/月/人 |
900元/月/人 |
空调、电视、宽带网络、单独卫生间、电话、公用厨房及洗衣房 |
三人间 |
四人间 |
600元/月/人 |
450元/月/人 |
校外 |
800-1500/月 |
一室一厅、两室一厅或三室一厅 |
保险费 |
400元/学期,800元/年 |
说明 |
1. 此收费标准自2014年秋季学期开始生效; 2. 学生保险为必付项目; 3. 学校只接收人民币; 4. 教材、学生证、图书证费用由学生自负; 5. 学生如住宿校外需向留学生管理办公室申请并登记。 |
四. 报名材料
l 中文授课项目所需材料
学习类别 |
申请材料 |
学士 |
1. 申请表; 2. 护照复印件; 3. 高中或以上文凭(公证复印件); 4. 高中学习成绩单(公证复印件); |
硕士 |
1. 申请表 ; 2. 护照复印件; 3. 学士或以上学位证书(公证复印件); 4. 大学学习成绩单(公证复印件); 5. 两名副教授或教授的推荐信 |
博士 |
1. 申请表; 2. 护照复印件; 3. 硕士或以上学位证书(公证复印件); 4. 研究生学习成绩单(公证复印件); 5. 两名副教授或教授的推荐信及个人研究计划 |
语言进修 |
1. 申请表; 2. 护照复印件 (非洲籍学生还需提交其高学历证明) |
普通进修 |
1. 申请表; 2. 护照复印件; 3. 学士或以上学位证书(公证复印件); 4. 大学学习成绩单(公证复印件); 5. 个人学习计划 |
高级进修 |
1. 申请表; 2. 护照复印件; 3. 硕士或以上学位证书(公证复印件); 4. 研究生学习成绩单(公证复印件); 5. 个人研究计划 |
博士后研究 |
1. 申请表; 2. 护照复印件; 3. 博士学位证书(公证复印件); 4. 博士学习成绩单(公证复印件) 5. 个人研究计划 |
l 英语授课项目所需材料
学习类别 |
申请材料 |
学士 |
1. 申请表; 2. 护照复印件; 3. 高中或以上文凭(公证复印件); 4. 高中学习成绩单(公证复印件) 5. 英语水平证明 |
硕士 |
1. 申请表; 2. 护照复印件; 3. 学士或以上学位证书(公证复印件); 4. 大学学习成绩单(公证复印件); 5. 两名副教授或教授的推荐信; 6. 英语水平证明 |
博士 |
1. 申请表; 2. 护照复印件; 3. 硕士或以上学位证书(公证复印件); 4. 研究生学习成绩单(公证复印件); 5. 两名副教授或教授的推荐信及个人研究计划; 6. 英语水平证明 |
五. 短期项目
1. 项目简介
项目名称 |
项目说明 |
报名标准 |
荆楚文化营 |
荆楚大地历史悠久文化灿烂,三国文化更是融入其中,本项目提供三国文化、楚文化讲座和当代本土作家赏析等。游武汉、看大坝、赏电影、观民俗、吟歌曲,共品中国发展华章。 |
1. 18-60周岁外籍人 士; 2. 高中以上学历 |
海外华文教师培训营 |
课程包括汉语语音、汉语语法、作文写作、现代教育技术、教案编写、教学实习等,全面提升课堂教学能力。中国传统文化讲座、市内参观、文化考察等活动带你领略传统中华与现代中国,全面提升教师对中国的了解。 |
1. 22周岁以上在职华文教师,身体健康; 2. 高中以上学历 |
海外华裔青少年亲子文化体验营 |
亲子营不仅使青少年了解祖籍国的历史文化,更给了家人亲密互动、共同成长的机会。孩子们可以在历史文化讲座中、文化考察之旅中、市民生活体验中追寻先辈奋斗的足迹。 |
1. 海外华裔; 2. 12周岁以上青少年及其家人 |
武汉文化产业考察之旅 |
通过企业参观、政治经济讲座、汉语口语课堂、文化考察等教学实习内容,让学员近距离了解武汉、了解中国,更好地融入中国区域经济发展。 |
1. 18-60周岁外籍人士,身体健康; 2. 高中以上学历 |
中国语言文化夏/冬令营 |
课程以丰富多彩的传统文化讲座、亲切自然的汉语口语课程、深入真实的生活体验引领学员游历中华文化长河、浸濡于真实的语言环境、感触到普通民众的日常生活,全方位感知中华文化 |
1. 18-60周岁外籍人士,身体健康; 2. 高中以上学历 |
2. 报名材料
1). 留学生学习申请表(可在www.******.cn下载);
2). 高中或大学毕业证复印件(青少年需提供在读证明);
3). 护照复印件;
4). 护照照片2张
3. 项目费用
1). 报名费300元;
2). 2周课程7500元,含课程费、住宿费、文化考察和交通费;
3). 根据需要,部分课程可延至3周,增加武当山、赤壁等文化考察和讲座,费用将相应上调至8000元;
4). 住宿:华中师范大学国际文化交流学院留学生宿舍;
5). 15人以上成团,少于15人则取消课程
五. 联系方式
联系地址: 中国湖北武汉珞喻路152号 430079
CCNU At a Glance (2015)
Central China Normal University (CCNU) was founded in 1903 and changed her name to CCNU in 1985. It is a comprehensive and prestigious university on the list of the “National 211 Priority Project”. Located in Wuhan, a major hub of transportation, it has a campus on Guizi Mountain, a hill bordering the East Lake and the South Lake.
Now, CCNU comprises 25 schools and departments, more than 60 research institutes (centers) , and offers 59 bachelor’s programs, 184 master’s programs and 94 doctoral programs. CCNU also recruits international students. At present the university has a student body of over 30,000, of whom 8000 are postgraduates, and more than 1600 are international students.
Central China Normal University is one of the first Chinese universities to accept international students. It has been appointed by National Government to accept international students with Government Scholarship. Meanwhile, it is one of the earliest state-level “Chinese Language Teaching Bases”, which was ratified by the State Council. CCNU has set up exchangeable relations and carried out widely academic interchange and scientific research cooperation with more than 100 universities in over 70 countries, such as US, Germany, Japan, Russia, France, New Zeeland, Australia, Korea, Vietnam and so on. The university has begun to enroll oversea students in 1965. At present, we have 2700 oversea students from more than 100 countries for long-term study or for pursuing degrees. We warmly welcome students all over the world to join our international family!
Scholarship Programs
Ⅰ. CSC Scholarship — University Postgraduate Study program(Number:30)
Major: Please refer to program list.
Object: Doctorate and Masters
Scholarship: Scholarship covers registration, tuition, internship, basic teaching materials, and accommodation, plus 1700 RMB per month of living allowance for Masters, and 2000 RMB for Doctors.
Ⅱ. Sino-American Scholarship (Number:5)
Major: Please refer to program list.
Object: Doctorate, Masters and Language Student
Scholarship: Scholarship covers registration, tuition, internship, basic teaching materials, and accommodation, plus 1700 RMB per month of living allowance for Masters, and 2000 RMB for Doctors
III. Chinese Government Scholarship—Bilateral Program (No Number Limit)
(Applying through Chinese Embassy or Consulate in your country)
Applicants should apply to the dispatching authorities for oversea study in their home countries between January and early April. Please contact the dispatching authorities for the specific deadline.
Website: http://www.***.cn/Laihua/scholarshipdetailen.aspx?cid=97&id=3157
IV. Central and Eastern Europe Credits Scholarship (Number:30)
Students from Central and Eastern Europe can apply this scholarship basing on the Co-operate of Credit Students Program with CCNU. Students can study for 3 or 6 months in CCNU and will be given relevant credits after they meet the study needs.
V. Confucius Institute Scholarship (Number:45)
Program&Number: Masters of Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages: 10
General Study of Chinese Language: 35
Scholarship: Scholarship covers registration, tuition, internship, basic teaching materials, accommodation, plus 1700 RMB per month of living allowance for masters,1400RMB per month of living allowance for language students.
Application: Please refer to CSC Scholarship Website or contact CCNU
VI. CCNU Distinguished Student Scholarship (Number:100)
Program&Number: Doctorate: 5; Masters: 20; Undergraduate:75
Major: Please refer to programs offered list.
Scholarship: The scholarship covers full tuition fees for 5 students, half of the tuition fees for 20 students and 2000 to 8000 RMB for the rest.
VII. CCNU Specific Nationality Scholarship (Number:100)
(Malaysia, Vietnam, Indonesia, Turkey, Turkmenistan, etc.)
Scholarship: The scholarship covers full tuition fees for 10 students, half of the tuition fees for 20 students and 2000 to 8000 RMB for the rest of the 70 students.
Address: College of International Cultural Exchange, Central China Normal University, 152 Luoyu Avenue, Wuhan, Hubei, 430079 P.R.China
Contact: Zhang Dujuan
Tel: +86-27-67865209
Fax: +86-27-67863760/67866427
1. The scholarship I~IV review will be launched by CSC every year.
2. The scholarship V review will be launched by Hanban(Confucius Institute Headquarters) every year.
3. The scholarship VI&VII review will be launched by CCNU every year.
4. All of the scholarship are only provided to the incoming freshman.
Colleges and Programs
Department |
Level |
Chinese-taught Programs |
English-taught Programs |
College of International Cultural Exchange |
Bachelor |
Chinese Language Business Chinese |
None |
Master |
Teaching of Chinese as a Foreign Language |
None |
Language Student |
Chinese Language |
None |
College of Information Management |
Bachelor |
Information Management and Information Systems; E- commerce |
None |
Master |
Information Science; Management Science and Engineering;Business Management Library science Archival Science Logistics Engineering; Project management |
Information Science; Library Science ; Management Science and Engineering |
Doctorate |
Management Science and Engineering; Information Science |
Information Science |
College of Physical Education |
Bachelor |
Physical Education; Physical Training |
None |
Master |
Physical Humanities and Sociology; Human Movement Science; Physical Education and Training; National Traditional Sports |
None |
Doctorate |
Physical humanities and sociology; Physical Education and Training; National Traditional Sports |
Physical humanities and Sociology; Physical Education and Training |
College of Sociology |
Bachelor |
Sociology; Social Work |
None |
Master |
Sociology; Social Work |
Sociology; Social Work
Doctorate |
Sociology |
Sociology |
College of Life Science
Bachelor |
Biology; Biological Technology |
Biology |
Master |
Biochemistry and Molecular Science; Botany; Zoology; Genetics; Ecology |
Biochemistry and Molecular Science; Botany; Zoology; Genetics; Ecology |
Doctorate |
Botany;Zoology |
Botany;Zoology |
College of Psychology
Bachelor |
Psychology |
Psychology |
Master |
Basic Psychology Developmental and Education Psychology Applied Psychology (Does not include Psychological Counseling and Treatment Direction) |
Basic Psychology Education Psychology; Applied Psychology (Does not include Psychological Counseling and Treatment Direction |
Doctorate |
Basic Psychology Developmental and Education Psychology |
Basic Psychology Education Psychology |
College of Chemistry
Bachelor |
None |
None |
Master |
Inorganic Chemistry; Analytical Chemistry; Organic Chemistry; Physical Chemistry; Polymer Chemistry and Physics |
Inorganic Chemistry; Analytical Chemistry; Organic Chemistry Physical Chemistry Polymer Chemistry and Pyhsics |
Doctorate |
None |
None |
College of Mathematics and Statistics
Bachelor |
Mathematics and Applied Mathematics; |
Mathematics and Applied Mathematics; |
Master |
Basic Mathematics; Applied Mathematics; Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics; Operational Research and Cybernetics; Mathematics of Computation |
Basic Mathematics; Applied Mathematics; Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics; Operational Research and Cybernetics; Mathematics of Computation |
Doctorate |
Basic Mathematics; Applied Mathematics; Operational Research and Cybernetics; Mathematical Statistics |
Basic Mathematics; Applied Mathematics; Operational Research and Cybernetics; Mathematical Statistics |
College of Economics
Bachelor |
International Trade; usiness Administration; Economics; Real Estate Management; Financial Accounting |
None |
Master |
International Economics ; usiness Administration ; Western Economics; World Economics; Political Economics; History of Economics Thought; Human Resource and Environment Economics; Regional Economics; Industrial Economics; Quantitative Economics; Business Management; Land Resource Management; Finance; MSc in Finance; Labour economics |
usiness Administration |
Doctorate |
None |
None |
College of Fine Art
Bachelor |
Fine Arts; Animation; Drawing; Visual communication design; Environmental Design |
None |
Master |
Fine Arts; Design |
None |
Doctorate |
None |
None |
College of Computer Science |
Bachelor |
Computer Science and Technology |
Computer Information Technology |
Master |
Computer Science and Technology; Software Engineering |
None |
Doctorate |
None |
None |
College of Politics Study
Bachelor |
None |
None |
Master |
International Relation; International Politics; Diplomacy; Political Theory; Chinese and Foreign Political Institution; Scientific Socialism and International Communist Movement; Political Sociology; Political Economic ; The Science of Local Government; The Study of Marxism in China; Overseas Marxism Research; Constitutionalism and the Rule of Law; National Management and Examination System |
International Relation; International Politics; Diplomacy |
Doctorate |
International Relation ; International Politics ; Diplomacy; Political Theory; Chinese and Foreign Political Institution; Scientific Socialism and International Communist Movement; Political Sociology; Political Economics; The Science of Local Government; The Study of Marxism in China; Overseas Marxism Research; Constitutionalism and the Rule of Law; National Management and Examination System |
International Relation; International Politics; Diplomacy |
College of Music
Bachelor |
Musicology; Music Performance |
None |
Master |
Musicology |
None |
Doctorate |
None |
None |
College of Foreign Language |
Bachelor |
English; English Translation(Translation); Japanese French; Russian |
None |
Master |
English Education; English Language and Literature; French; Master in Translation; Japanese Language and Literature; Russian |
English; Japanese; Russian; French |
Doctorate |
English Language and Literature; Japanese Language and Literature; Russian |
English Japanese Russian |
College of Physical Science and Technology |
Bachelor |
Physics; Electronic Information Technology; Communication Engineering |
Physics |
Master |
Theoretical Physics; Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics; Atomic and Molecular Physics; Condensed Matter Physics; Optics; Radio Physics; Astrophysics; Material Physics and Chemistry; Physical Electronic; Circuits and Systems; Micro-electronics and Solid State Electronics; Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology Communication and Information System; Electronic and Information Engineering |
Theoretical Physics; Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics; Atomic and Molecular Physics; Condensed Matter Physics; Optics; Radio Physics; Astrophysics; Material Physics and Chemistry; Physical Electronic; Circuits and Systems; Micro-electronics and Solid State Electronics; Electromagnetic Field and Microwave Technology Communication and Information System |
Doctorate |
Theoretical Physics; Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics; Atomic and Molecular Physics; Condensed Matter Physics; Optics; Radio Physics; Astroparticle Physics |
Theoretical Physics; Particle Physics and Nuclear Physics; Atomic and Molecular Physics; Condensed Matter Physics; Optics; Radio Physics; Astroparticle Physics |
College of City and Environmental Science |
Bachelor |
Tourism Management Geographical Science; Geographic Information Science; Human geography and urban planning; Natural geography and resource management |
Tourism Management |
Master |
Tourism Management Physical Geography; Land Resource Management; Human Geography; Cartography and Geography Information ystem; Regional Economics; Regional Development and Urban and Rural lanning; The Geography Gurriculum and Teaching Theory |
None |
Doctorate |
Human Geography |
None |
College of Literature |
Bachelor |
Chinese Language and Literature; Chinese Language |
None |
Master |
Theory of Literature and Art; Linguistics and Applied Linguistics; Chinese Language and Literature; Study of Chinese Classical Text; Ancient Chinese Literature; Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature; Comparative Literature and World Literature; Film and Television Literature; Folk Literature; Teaching Chinese as Foreign Language |
None |
Doctorate |
Theory of Literature and Art; Linguistics and Applied Linguistics; Chinese Language and Literature; Study of Chinese Classical Text; Ancient Chinese Literature; Modern and Contemporary Chinese Literature; Comparative Literature and World Literature; Folk Literature |
None |
College of Marxism |
Bachelor |
Political Science |
None |
Master |
Philosophy of Marxism; Foreign Philosophy; Logic; Ethics; Philosophy of Science and Technology International Politics |
None |
Doctorate |
None |
None |
College of Education |
Bachelor |
Pedagogy; Pre-school Education Special Education |
None |
Master |
Pedagogy; Pre-school Education; Special Education; Comparative Education; Educational Economy and Management; Sociology of Education; History of Education; Curriculum and Teaching Methodology |
Pedagogy; Comparative Education; Educational Economy and Management; Sociology of Education; Curriculum and Teaching Methodology |
Doctorate |
Pedagogy; Pre-school Education; Special Education; Comparative Education; Educational Economy and Management; Sociology of education; History of Education; Curriculum and Teaching Methodology |
Pedagogy; Comparative Education; Educational Economy and Management; Sociology of Education; Curriculum and Teaching Methodology |
College of Journalism Communications |
Bachelor |
Journalism; News Broadcasting |
None |
Master |
Journalism; Communication; Education Technology |
None |
College of Education Information Technology |
Master |
Educational Technology |
None |
College of Laws |
Bachelor |
Law |
None |
Master |
Constitutional Law and Administrative Law; Civil Law and Commercial Law; Science of Procedure Law; Science of Economic Law |
None |
College of History |
Bachelor |
History; Cultural Heritage and Cultural Industries |
None |
Master |
Historical Theories; Historical Geography; tudies of Historical Literature; pecialized History; Ancient Chinese History; Modern and Contemporary Chinese History; Economic-social History; Regional Culture World History; History of International Relations |
None |
Doctorate |
Historical Theories; Historical Geography; tudies of Historical Literature; pecialized History; Ancient Chinese History; Modern and Contemporary Chinese History; Economic-social History; Regional Culture; World History; History of International Relations |
None |
Tuition and Fees
Tuition Fee (Chinese-taught Programs) |
Liberal Arts |
Science |
Music, Fine Arts and Physical Education |
Undergraduate |
18000/year |
20000/year |
22000 |
Postgraduate |
22000/year |
28000/year |
28000 |
Doctorate |
28000/year |
36000/year |
36000 |
General Studies |
18000/year |
20000/year |
Advanced Studies |
22000/year |
28000/year |
Language Student |
17000/year |
Preparatory Student |
24000/year |
Tuition Fee (English-taught Programs) |
Undergraduate |
22000/year |
24000/year |
22000 |
Postgraduate |
28000/year |
34000/year |
28000 |
Doctorate |
32000/year |
39000/year |
36000 |
Advanced Studies |
28000/year |
36000/year |
Accommodation Fee Per Month |
Housing Locations |
Single Room/ per capita |
Double Room/ per capita |
Amenities |
CICE Dorm |
1200 |
900 |
A/C, TV, Internet, Private Bathroom, Card Telephone, Public Kitchen & Laundry Room |
Triple Room/ per capita |
Quad Room/ per capita |
600 |
450 |
Off Campus |
800-1500 per month |
1-3 room apartments |
Notes |
1. The fees guidelines are in effect since Sep. 2014 2. Registration Fee: 300 RMB 3. The fees don’t include the medical insurance (800RMB/year) students should buy the insurance by themselves 4. We only accept RMB 5. Costs of textbooks, student ID card and library card are at the expenses of the students 6. Those who would like to stay off campus need to apply to the Office of CICE in advance. |
l Application for Enrollment (Chinese-taught Programs)
Programs |
Application Materials |
Undergraduate |
1. Application form 2. assport copy 3. High school diploma or higher academic degree certificate (notarized copy) 4. High school transcript (notarized copy) |
Postgraduate |
1. Application form 2. assport copy 3. Bachelor’s degree or higher academic degree (notarized copy) 4. College transcript (notarized copy) 5. Two recommendation letters from associate professors or professors |
Ph. D Students |
1. Application form 2. assport copy 3. Master’s degree or higher academic degree 4. ostgraduate school transcript 5. ersonal research plan and two recommendation letters from professors |
Language Program |
1. Application form 2. assport copy 3. For African students,they should submit their diploma or higher academic degree certificate |
General Studies students |
1. Application form 2. assport copy 3. College diploma or higher academic degree (notarized copy) 4. College transcript (notarized copy) 5. tudy plan in CCNU |
Advanced Studies Students |
1. Application form 2. assport copy 3. Master’s degree or higher academic degree (notarized copy) 4. ostgraduate transcript (notarized copy) 5. tudy plan in CCNU |
l Application for Enrollment (English-taught Programs)
Programs |
Application Materials |
Undergraduate |
1. Application form 2. assport copy 3. High school diploma or higher academic degree certificate(notarized copy) 4. High school transcript (notarized copy) 5. English Proficiency Certificate |
Postgraduate |
1. Application form 2. assport copy 3. Bachelor’s degree or higher academic degree (notarized copy) 4. College transcript (notarized copy) 5. Two recommendation letters from associate professors or professors 6. English Proficiency Certificate |
Ph. D Students |
1. Application form 2. assport copy 3. Master’s degree or higher academic degree 4. ostgraduate school transcript 5. ersonal research plan and 2 recommendation letters from 2 professors 6. English Proficiency Certificate |
Short-term Programs
I. Program
Program |
Introduction |
Qualification |
Probing the Essence of Three Kingdom and Chu Culture |
The courses take you back to thousand years ago and to trave with heroes in that period. The Chu Culture and appreciation of masterpieces of local writers enables you to experience the essence of Chinese literature. |
1.Ages between 18 to 60 2. High school graduate certificate |
Teaching Skills Workshop for Oversea Chinese language Teachers |
With the urgently needed courses such as Chinese Intonation, Chinese Grammar, Chinese Writing, Compiling of Teaching Plan and Teaching Practice, the teachers are expected to improve their teaching ability. |
1.Oversea Chinese-Language Teachers ages above 22 2. High school graduate certificate |
Oversea Chinese Adolescent Culture Experience Camp |
The Oversea Chinese Family Camp offers the children not only the opportunity to understand China’s history and culture, but also the chance of intimacy and growing with parents. |
1.Ages above 12 2.Certificate Of Schooling |
Cultural Industry Study Tour of Wuhan City |
With the visit to industries, lectures on politics and the economy, oral Chinese classes and cultural excursion, you will get the vision of China and Wuhan city and the opportunity to integrate into local economic development. |
1.Ages between 18 to 60 (applicants above 60 should submit health certificate); 2.The applicant should have high school graduate certificate |
Chinese language and Culture Camp |
Guided by colorful lectures on Chinese traditional culture, oral Chinese classes and various activities, the Camp help the participants to perceive China’s long history, to immerse in the real language environment and to experience the life of common Chinese people. |
1.Ages between 18 to 60 (The applicants above 60 should submit health certificate); 2.The applicant should have high school graduate certificate |
II. Application Materials
1. International Student Study Application Form which can be downloaded on the website of www.******.cn
2. High School or University Diploma photocopy;
3. Two passport-sized photographs
4. One photocopy of passport data page
III. Fees
1. Registration Fees: 300 RMB
2. Tuition Fees: 10000 RMB for a three-week program, including the courses, accommodation at the international student dorms, cultural field trip and airport pickup
3. The program may be cut to 2 weeks at request and the tuition may be reduced accordingly
IV. Accommodation
International Student Dorm of Central China Normal University
V. The minimum number of participants in a group should be 15
Contact Us
Office: Adimission Office
Address: College of International Cultural Exchange, Central China Normal University, 152 Luoyu Avenue, Wuhan, Hubei, 430079 P.R.China
Tel: +86-27-67865209/67865607
Fax: +86-27-67863760/67866427
Email: cice@******.cn