Master & Doctorate application for 2014
一 学费About the course
学生类型 Fees Types of students | 申请费Application (first entrance to QU) | Tuition per Academic Year 学费/年 |
文学理工类 Liberal Arts & Science and Engineering | 医学艺体类Medicine, Arts, P.E |
硕士研究生Master’s Student | ?400 | ?20,500 | ?24,600 |
博士研究生Doctorate student | ?400 | ?28,700 | ?32,800 |
Remarks | Tuition is to be paid in cash when students enroll at the beginning of each term. A whole-year’s tuition can be paid in two separate payments at the beginning of each term. |
书费:约500元/年 Books: About 500RMB/年
保险费:600元/年Insurance Fee:600RMB/ year
二 申请Application:
Application Period: Before Mar.30, 2014
Qingdao University International Student Application Form(Attachment)
3、护照复印件Copy of passport
4、大学或以上毕业证明Diploma from high-school or college
5、高学历阶段成绩单Transcript from currently
6、已就业者提交工作证明Working certification if you are working
7、HSK5级成绩HSK Certificate(HSK5)
8.两名副教授或相当职称以上专家、学者的推荐信。A letter of recommendation from two associate professors, experts, or scholars with equal title
9、申请费400元Application fee 400RMB(可以通过银行汇款-请发email索取账号,也可以直接到办公室支付现金。Bank or cash. Please mail to the office to ask the bank account)
*学历相关文件为中英文原件或公证件。All documents mentioned above should be written in Chinese or English and should be an original or notarized copy.
The ways to submit the application documents(1or2 or 3):
1、将电子版(或扫描件)发邮件至:oip@***.cn http://www.international.***.cn/Info/mailto:oip@***.cn
Email to: oip@***.cn
Mail by post: International Students Office ,Qingdao University, 308 Ningxia Road, Qingdao 266071 China
Tel: (86) 532-85953863
Come to the International Students Office to Submit directly.
The way to come: This office is located in the lobby of Minxing Building in the West Campus of Qingdao University, 308 Ningxia Road (100 meters north of the International Academic Center).
三 录取 Admission
Applicants with satisfactory applications will be required to take the standard entrance examination and interview. Candidates who pass the exams will receive an “Admission Notice” and “Visa Application for International Students and Scholars to China (JW202 Form).” Please apply for an X1orX2 visa at the Chinese Embassy or Consulate in your home country by using our materials. The details of visa process please check from the Chinese Embassy or Consulate.
四 报到Registration
Registration period: Sep.8, 2014 - Sep.10, 2014
Register at the International Student Office during the registration period specified in the Registrations Guide.
五 联系方式 Contacts
通讯地址:青岛市宁夏路308号 Tel: (86) 532-85953863
青岛大学国际处留学生办公室, Fax: (86) 532-85954822
266071 E-mail:
International Students Office Tel: (86) 532-85953863
Qingdao University Fax: (86) 532-85954822
308 Ningxia Road, Qingdao 266071 E-mail: oip@***.cn
China Web: www.***.cn
Application Form:http://www.international.***.cn/UpFile/201312/.docResume:http://www.international.***.cn/UpFile/201312/.doc
原标题:2014年青岛大学硕博留学生招生简章Master & Doctorate application