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Recruitment Procedures for Confucius Institute Scholarship (2014) of Master’s degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other

Languages (MTCSOL) of Guangdong University of Foreign Studies


In order to support the development of Confucius Institutes, facilitate Chinese language promotion and Chinese cultural transmission in the world, cultivate qualified Chinese language teachers and talented students of Chinese language,Confucius Institute Headquarters/Hanban (hereinafter referred to as Hanban) launches the “Confucius Institute Scholarship” program to provide financial aid for students, scholars and Chinese language teachers worldwide to proceed to a Master’s degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (MTCSOL) in Chinese universities.


Guangdong University of Foreign Studies (hereinafter referred to as GDUFS) as one of the units of MTCSOL, is now recruiting25Confucius Institute Scholarship students in 2014.


I. Application Requirement

1.Scholarship for Students ofMTCSOLMaster's Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages

Applicants shall benon-Chinese citizensin good health,aged between 16 and 35(Chinese language teachers in post shall be aged below 45).


The scholarship is oriented at excellent students from Confucius Institutes (Classrooms), overseas local Chinese language teachers, winners of the "Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competitions for Foreign College Students and for Foreign High School Students, excellent foreign college graduates majored in Chinese and outstanding performers on HSK exams, to undertake a Master's Degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages. The scholarship winner shall begin the study in autumn 2014, and the duration of scholarship is two academic years. The applicant should have abachelor degreeor its equivalent, get a score ofat least 180 on the HSK (level 5)and ascore of at least 50 on the HSKK (intermediate level), andmake a written commitmentstating that he/shewill be engaged in Chinese language teaching for at least 5 years after graduation.The applicant with a specific teaching post arranged will be given admission priority (certification by the institution he/she will teach for is required). Hanban will provide support for outstanding graduates to teach in their home countries.


Applicants with HSK and HSKK scores will be given priority to scholarships.Winners of the finals of the “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competitions for Foreign College Students and for Foreign High School Students in China shall arrange their applications in accordance with the prize specifications. Repetitive applications are invalid.


II. Scholarship Coverage and Criteria

Scholarship winners are exempt from registration fees, tuition, fees for basic learning materials, accommodation fees on campus, and are provided with a one-off resettlement subsidy, monthly allowance, outpatient medical service and comprehensive insurance for foreign students studying in China. The one-off resettlement subsidy will not be provided to those who have studied in China for more than half a year before being enrolled.


III. Recruitment Procedures

1. From now on, applicants should log on to the Confucius Institute Scholarship website at , set up an individual account, complete and submit the Confucius Institute Scholarship Application Form online, print out the Form and submit it to GDUFS along with other application materials (see Article 4)before May 1st, 2014.

2. GDUFS is responsible for reviewing the qualification of applicants and submitting the proposed enrollment name list of qualified candidates to Hanban byMay 26th, 2014.

3.Hanban will organize an expert panel to make the final selection, and publish the name list of successful applicants on the Scholarship website byJune 16th, 2014.Hanban will also inform the host institutes and the recommending institutions, which will inform the applicants.

4.GDUFS will post “Admission Notice”, “Enrollment Instructions”, “Visa Application Form for Foreigners to Study in China" (JW202 Form) and other related materials to successful applicants through their recommending institutions byJuly 1st, 2014.

IV. Application Documents

Applicants should log onto the Scholarship website, fill out the “Confucius Institute Scholarship Application Form”, and attach the electronic files of the following materials:

1.Photocopy of passport photo page. 

2.Photocopies of HSK, HSKK score reports.

3.Notarized highest education diploma attained (scheduled graduation proof or official proof of student status).

4.Reference letter and letter of commitment. The BTCSOL Scholarship applicants should submit pre-admission notice issued by the host institutes designated by Hanban. The MTCSOL Scholarship applicants are required to submit two reference letters from professors or associate professors (in Chinese or English) and a written commitment stating that the applicant will be engaged in Chinese language teaching for at least 5 years after graduation (written in Chinese and signed). College students majored in Chinese in countries with no Confucius Institutes established shall submit a reference letter signed and issued by the university President.

5.Applicants under the age of 18 shall submit relevant legal documents of entrusted legal guardians in China.

6.Winners of the finals of the “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competitions for Foreign College Students and for Foreign High School Students in China shall submit the certificate of scholarship. Winners of preliminary rounds of the “Chinese Bridge” Chinese Proficiency Competitions in their countries shall submit award proof and a reference letter from the Chinese Embassy (or Consulate) in the competition area.

7.Chinese language teachers shall submit the proof of the length of time in teaching and weekly teaching hours provided by institutes they work for.


V. Entrance and Annual Appraisal

1. The scholarship winners shall register at the GDUFS before the deadline set by GDUFS. Scholarships will not bereservedfor those who do not register on time without reasonable cause.

2. Scholarships will be canceled for those who cannot pass the health examination.

3.Students for a Master’s degree in Teaching Chinese to Speakers of Other Languages (MTCSOL) shall be subject to an annual appraisal after being enrolled according to the “Annual Appraisal Procedures for Confucius Institute Scholarship”. Only the eligible students are entitled to continue to receive the scholarships in the following year.

VI. Contact Information

Tel & Fax0086-20-86319791

Email Addressgdufs404@***     http://www.***.cn/info/1006/mailto:gdufs404@***

Web Sitehttp://hygj.***.cn/

AddressMTCSOL Education Center, 3rd Teaching Building of GDUFS, No.2 BaiYun North Street ,Guangzhou, Guangdong China (510420).



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