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2013年上海大学孔子学院奖学金申请指南 2013 Enrollment Scheme of Confucius Scholarship for Shanghai University 1. 我校基本情况: Information:
招生工作人员的联系方式: Contacts:
Term date 2013年9月2日—2014年7月10日
4. 入学条件
Requirements Aged above 18 With foreign passport Website of Confucius Scholarship Http://cis.*** 上海大学新生报到注意事项 (延长路) Guide for new students to Shanghai University (Yanchang Campus) 可乘坐机场巴士专线(全程80分钟)到终点站后,换乘出租车到学校,出租车费用在人民币20元左右; You can take shuttle buses (80 min. for whole journey) running from airport to city center, then change to taxi to school at RMB 20.
也可从机场直接乘坐出租车到学校,费用一般在人民币200元左右,如果人员较多,也可与出租车站内管理人员联系安排四人至十人坐的面包车,价格比一般出租车稍贵。 Or you can take taxi from airport to school directly at the rate of RMB 200 round. There is also mini-bus for 4 to 请乘坐出租车到学校,费用一般在人民币80元左右。 Taking taxi will cost you RMB 80 to school. 在火车站南广场有专门的地下出租车集散地,请乘坐出租车到学校,费用一般在人民币20元左右。 如果行李不多,也可以乘坐地铁一号线至延长路站下(共两站)。 There is a underground taxi station in south square of railway station and from there to school taking taxi will Cost RMB 20 or you can take subway (Line 1) to school (Yanchang Rd.) if no big luggage carrying with. 如需学校派人接机,请至少提前五个工作日向学校提供准确无误的飞机航班号,到达时间和到达航站楼,并在到达大厅内等候接机。接机人一般会拿一块写有“上海大学”字样的牌子以方便辨认 Please provide us accurate flight number, arrival time & date and terminal to school at least 5 working days in advance if you need school pick you up from airport and assemble inside of the arrival hall. A post with “Shanghai University” will be hold for your recognition by the person who will be meeting you at the airport. 上海大学共分二个校区,靠近上海火车站的是延长校区和宝山区的新校区, 从延长校区到新校区开车约半 个小时。有关学校地图可以从www.cie.***.cn上查看或下载。 Shanghai University is divided into 2 campuses, one is Yanchang Campus in Zhabei District near Shanghai Railway Station, the other is New Campus in Baoshan District. It will take about 30 min. drive from Yanchang Campus to New Campus. For detailed school map please view or download fromwww.cie.***.cnfor English version. 延长路校区离地铁1号线延长路站步行需五分钟,宝山校区北门就是地铁7号地上海大学站。相关地铁路 线图可以从www.cie.***.cn上查看或下载。 Yanchang Rd. Station of Subway Line 1 is only 5 minutes walking distance to Yanchang Campus and Shanghai University Station of Subway Line 7 is near the north school gate of New Campus. For detailed subway map please view or download fromwww.cie.***.cnfor English version. Please prepare some cash in RMB with you in case of need when you are in China, you are supposed to pay RMB 1800 for room security deposit & 1stmonth rent of about RMB 2000, RMB 700 for medical check and RMB 400 for residence permit during the 1stmonth after registration 联系人:夏永滨 021-56331820/1839 Contact: Yongbin Xia 021-56331820/1839 注意:请在有出租车标志的地方排队等候车辆,有专人记录你的行车目的地,切勿乘坐无人管理的车辆。 Attn: Please assemble at the place with taxi sign for calling and the administrator at the taxi station will record your destination, DO NOT TAKE the vehicles without taxi sign or administrator. |